You Only Live Once So Just Go Fucking Nuts

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“Alright, bitches! Wake the fuck up! The busses will be here in two hours for us to get settled down in before we leave here at two to get to the venue by three and set up, got it?” Andy yelled at us.

I fell asleep with my head on Ash’s chest and my feet on Chris’s stomach.

“Ready for tonight?” Ash whispered to me.

“Yeah, but we still have to figure out our list of songs that we are going to play,” I mumbled.

“Don’t worry, we will,” he whispered to me, kissing my head.


When the busses arrived, Ash and I walked over to them, holding hands, to choose our bunk.  We had decided to get a bunk for each couple and then a separate one for Meri.  We knew that either she would spend the night with Ashley in the BVB bus or he would spend the night in the UO bus.  Ash’s parents had decided to watch the kids, much to Meri’s relief and protest.  She wanted her little ones with her, but didn’t want them to be exposed to this kind of life.  I agreed.

We walked in to the bus and saw that War and Anthony had already thrown their stuff on the bottom bunk.  Meri shoed past us so she would get the middle bunk.

“Het!” I said, laughing as she climbed in it and stuck her tongue at us.

“What?! You two are the tallest! It’s only fair!” She said in a childish voice and dragging out the word ‘fair’.

“Whatever,” I said like a child as well.  Ash grabbed our stuff and threw it into the top bunk.  We then walked over to the couch and called the rest of the band over. 

“Okay, what song should we play first?” Ash asked.

“Unbroken by BVB,” War said immediately.

“Then we should play A.M.E.R.I.C.A by MIW,” I said.

“Then ‘She’s a Trendy Designer on Her Wrists’ by SWPB,” Meri said, giggling.

“OH! And we should play ‘Match into Water’ by PTV!” Anthony squealed.

“Ok, calm down.  We will play one of each band’s songs and then our own and some other bands songs.  What Of Mice & Men song should we play?” Ash asked.

“When You Can’t Sleep At Night,” Meri shouted

“The Great Hendowski!” I shouted.

“I’m A Monster!” War said.

“The Flood!” Anthony yelled.

“Jesus! Calm down! Okay, how about we do The Great Hendowski tonight since I overheard that Austin and the guys are playing When You Can’t Sleep At Night, then we will play a different song each night,” Ash said.  We all nodded.

“You Only Live Once So Just Go Fucking Nuts!” I suddenly scream/sang, scaring the shit out of Meri.

“Carter! I fucking hate you! You know how much I fucking hate that!” She squealed.

“Sorry! I had to! Can we pleeaassee play some Suicide Silence though?” I asked, looking at Ash.  “Three songs.” I demanded.

“Why-“War started.

“Because we didn’t get to join in the Mitch Lucker memorial concert!” I said, cutting him off.

“Carter! Calm!” Anthony said, putting his hands on my shoulders.

“Which songs?” Ash asked.

“You know which ones, dipshit,” I said, flicking him playfully.  He nodded and wrote down ‘You Only Live Once’, ‘Genocide’, and ‘Wake Up’.

UnbrokenΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα