Jeanmarco- FRECKLED JESUS pt.2

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~okay this is being written at midnight so yeah xD

Reader's POV-

Jean moved his hands up Marco's shirt fondling with his nipples. Marco moaned.

"J-j-jean, stop t-teasing!" Marco stuttered.

Jean started take off his and Marco's 3DMG and clothes until both were left in their boxers.

"Marco~" Jean whispered huskily into Marco's ear.

"Hm?" Marco blushed.

"You want me inside you don't ya?" Jean licked his ear.

Marco's back arched begging for friction and moaned, which Jean gave. Honestly, Marco just wanted to fuck already.

"J-jean, please-" Jean interrupted.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to fuck me," Marco groaned.

"You want me to what?" Jean teased.

"Dammit Jean I want you inside me!" Marco almost yelled.

"As you wish~"

Jean lowered his hand to Marco's rock hard erection and grasped.

"A-ah!" Marco moaned.

Jean pumped his cock up and down.

"Jean I'm about t-t-to!" Marco groaned.

"Do it," replied Jean.

Marco came into Jean's hand. Jean licked the cum off his fingers and put a finger into Marco's ass.

"Ngh! H-ha!" Marco squirmed.

Jean inserted another finger and started to scissor Marco. Then inserted a third finger.

"Jean," Marco looked at Jean with half-lidded lustful eyes,"please, I need you inside me."

Suddenly, Jean shoves his dick in Marco's ass.

"Ah!" Marco tensed up and tears started to come out of his eyes.

Jean kissed the tears away and waited for him to adjust. Marco nodded and Jean began to thrust, slow at first very little sound was heard through the walls or the doors (imagine they're soundproof) then Marco brought his hips closer to Jean.

"F-faster! Please!" Marco moaned.

Jean went faster, only Marco's moans, slapping flesh, and Jean's groans where heard through the room.

"Jean! I'm going to!" Marco said as he reached climax.

"M-me too," Jean said while grabbing Marco's left alone member and started to pump it again,"we'll cum together."

Marco came first then Jean came inside Marco.

"That *pant* was *pant* amazing!" Marco said.

"I *pant* know," Jean replied,"you were so tight and warm, it felt so nice~!"

Marco blushed madly,"Jean stop!"

"I'd rather not," replied Jean.

◆The next day

"Hey I found a gay Jean in it's natural habitat!" Eren teased Jean being with Marco.

"Fuck off Eren!" Jean replied.

"Jaeger!" Levi yelled.

"Oh shit.....I'm fucked," Eren gulped.

Levi snuck up behind Eren,"you better start running."

Marco and Jean watched in amusement as Levi chased Eren. Eventually, Levi did catch Eren and dragged him to his room. Let's just say no one was in the room where 'it' happened!


~I hope you guys enjoyed this, next I will be doing YURI ON ICE! I've been watching it for awhile but I've been busy with school and yadda yadda. Anyway, hope you guys are still enjoying these!


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