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Monday, 7:48 am. Eva arrived at the Nissen School and saw Noora, Vilde and Sana near the entrance. They were laughing, even Sana, which surprised Eva, since she was usually more serious.

When her friends spotted her, Vilde said: "Hi, Eva! How was the party on Friday?" With a wink she added: "Was Chris there?" Noora answered for her. "Ohh yeah, he was."

Eva loved Vilde and the way she and the others smiled at her made her feel better, yet she was still not over what had happened at the party. And her friends only reminded her of how hurt she had been for the whole weekend.

She tried to smile and said: "The party was alright, at least Jonas didn't show up." Noora looked confused. "It was alright? You seemed to have the time of your life when I saw you dancing with Chris, which worried me by the way." Eva just wanted to go, she had absolutely no intention to talk about all the drama. "I guess. "

Sana raised one eyebrow, she obviously sensed that her friend was hiding something. When she was about to open her mouth, Eva said: "You guys, I'm gonna go inside now. I have to talk to Isak. See you later." She didn't actually plan to talk to Isak but the situation made her uncomfortable and she wanted to escape. The girls group looked utterly confused but let her turn around and walk into the school building without asking any questions and Eva thanked them on the inside.

A few seconds later she was walking through the hallways. She just wasn't able to get Chris out of her head, which made her angry at herself. Now there was this big cloud over her head, following her wherever she went. Thoughts filled with doubts and insecurity were raining down on her and making her anxious. She felt despair in her chest, since this had been the reason for her to break up with Jonas. After a while his opinion had mattered to her more than her heart and what she really wanted so she had decided to end it in order to figure out who she was. And now everything was back and she felt like other people's opinions had a huge influence on her, again. How was she supposed to simply ignore that?

While wandering around and thinking too much, she starrted on the ground and didn't pay attention to her surrounding. She knew that class was about to start in five minutes but she didn't feel like actually going to the room...

When she heard his laugh, she froze. Why was he still here? He had already graduated, he wasn't supposed to be in school anymore. Especially not today.

Looking up she realised that Chris was right in front of her, leaning against a locker and joking around with two girls. He was all flirty, licking his lips and provokingly touching one girls shoulder. Was he serious? Eva couldn't believe that he really had the nerve to show up in school right after hurting her so badly, just to kick her even more when she was already laying on the ground. What was he even doing, flirting with two younger girls when he wasn't even going to the Nissen school anymore?

Suddenly her anxiousness was all gone, a raging urge to slap him made its way through instead. If he really thought he would get away with everything than he had messed with the wrong girl for sure.

She walked towards them and stopped in front of Chris. Instead of noticing her he proceeded to show off his fuckboy skills like there was no tomorrow. Eva cleared her throat to draw his attention but when his head turned into her direction and he raised one eyebrow, ultimately judging her, she realised that she didn't even know what to say.

"C-chris, uhm... "
Instead of a witty comment he just stood there, absolutely relaxed, starring at her.

"We need to talk."
"Alright, then talk."

The two girls looked at her, obviously interested in what she had to say.

"In private." For one second she wanted to disappear or turn back time, she felt so uncomfortable and kind of exposed.

Chris sighed, looked at his potentially threesome participants and said: "Sorry girls. I will see you around so we can continue our conversation." Both of them seemed disappointed which Eva found absolutely ridiculously. They said "Bye, Chris." and she was just waiting for them to add "Daddy" or something.

As they were walking towards their room, Eva found Chris starring at their butts. She would have laughed if the whole situation wasn't so pathetic.

"Okay, what can I do for you, now that you got a private appointment with me."

"I want to know why you said what you said on Friday, at the party."
A confused look appeared on his face.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Was that his strategy? Pretending to be completely clueless...

"You basically said that Jonas dumped me because I don't sleep with guys just for fun."

"I honestly don't remember saying that. Are you sure it was me? Because I think I can still see that other guy being with you."

"Why can't you be serious for once, don't try to fool me. You really hurt me and I won't just forget that and act like nothing happened so you can continue playing your sick games."

Chris frowned and got up from the locker. Getting a bit closer he said: "Eva, I was so drunk on Friday, the only thing I still remember is us making out. I don't even know what happened afterwards, I just assumed that we... you know." A dirty smile appeared on his face.

Eva doubted that he was telling her the truth but she didn't know how to check whether he was lying to her or not. After all she had been quite drunk too so maybe she had just mistaken the other guy insulting her for Chris?

"We didn't, just that you know. Like I said, I don't do that. But I guess we both drank too much and I should just forget about it, if you don't have an explanation. Because I'm not 100 percent sure..."

"See, we're fine then? I wouldn't want to lose you as my girl." What did he just say?
"As one of my girls." he corrected himself.

Eva didn't know what to comment on that so she just said: "Sure... Bye the way, what are you doing here? Don't you have something else to do than assaulting young girls at the school you graduated from?"

He laughed and answered: "I just figured now that I'm not a student anymore I'd be even hotter. Guess it worked cause those two girls were about to jump me."

The school bell rang, class was starting.

„Congratulations. Now if you'd excuse me, I still have to graduate." She was sick of his fuckboy behaviour and couldn't understand how someone managed it to be capable of attractive charme and making everyone hate them at the same time. But maybe she was just too naive to understand what was going on in his wicked head.

„Bye." She walked passed him down the hallway, as she was moving she could literally feel his eyes examining her body. „And stop starring at my butt." A dirty laugh was his answer, followed by a: „You should be thankful that someone is finally giving this masterpiece its recognition." She wanted to turn around and say something in return but all she could do was hold back the embarrassed smile that tried to make its way to the outside.

Without giving him any other sign of attention she kept walking until she was around the next corner.


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