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The next day, when Eva was at school, she decided to ask Noora what she thought about going to the Penetrators party. She knew that her friend had German in the room next to hers so she went straight over after class had ended.
Noora was still packing her school bag and talking to Vilde so Eva just stood in the door for a few seconds until they seemed to have finished. Then she walked up to them.


The girls turned around and smiled at Eva, greeting her with a "Hey, Eva." both at the same time.
"What's up?" said Noora, giving her her full attention.

"Okay, so there's this Penetrator party on Saturday and Chris asked me to come. But since there will only be complete strangers that are going to get wasted and probably have an orgy I wanted to ask if you would like to join?" Eva was talking only to Noora and didn't really pay attention to Vilde for some reason.

When she saw the typical excusing look on Noora's face, Eva already knew that there was no way she was going to spend Saturday night with her.
"Sorry, Eva but I can't. My parents planned a trip to a city near Oslo over the weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. I didn't have the chance to spend time with them a lot in the past months."

"Oh okay. Well then never mind, it wasn't that important anyway." Liar. She actually wanted to go to the party and had already planned her outfit. Eva felt disappointed but tried to hide it, because Noora didn't deserve the negativity.

Suddenly Vilde asked: "What about me? Why didn't you just ask me?"

Suddenly Vilde asked: "What about me? Why didn't you just ask me?"

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Why? Eva wasn't able to find a good response to that question. She just hadn't thought about Vilde, because after all the drama with Will and her friend constantly being fooled by one of the Penetrators she hadn't assumed that Vilde wanted to come with her.

"Do you really want to go? You can join me of course, I'd be happy! Sorry, Vilde." The blue-eyed girl was obviously offended by Eva simply forgetting about her. She averted her eyes and just mumbled: "No it's okay. I don't have time anyway." Eva felt kind of heart-broken, she didn't want to hurt her on purpose.

"Are you sure? Vilde, please don't think I wouldn't want to go with you."

"Eva probably didn't assume you want to go to the party, after all the Penetrator drama you've had." Noora was such an angel.

"I'm fine, girls. Now if you'd excuse me I have to get to my next class." She smiled at them but Eva could sense that it wasn't a genuine smile. Then Vilde grabbed her bag and hurried out of the room.

"I feel so bad right now." Eva looked at Noora with an upset expression on her face. But her friend replied: "She will be fine, it wasn't your fault. She is very sensitive, don't forget that." She poked her and laughed. "So are you still going to the party?"

Oh, right. Eva had almost forgotten about that part of the conversation.

"I don't know, we will see. Do you know if Chris or Sana have time?"

Noora shook her head. "No they don't, they have to finish their presentation for history. I mean, you can still ask them but I don't think so."

Crap, none of her friends were able to go with her. Now she either had the choice of staying at home and spending a boring evening all alone or she could just go and see what was going to happen. After all, she could still leave if the party was awful and since Chris was there, she knew one person at least.

"I have to go, see you Eva." Noora hugged her and before Eva could even say "goodbye" her petite friend was gone.


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