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"Eva, have you finally talked to Chris? Please tell me you did, I want the newest tea." Vilde grabbed her arm and looked at her with her eyes wide open, awaiting her answer. 

They walking across the hallway of their school, just the two of them, after class had been dismissed. Eva didn't really feel like talking about it, because she didn't want her friends to jump to any conclusions. Moreover there was actually not much to "spill", since the only thing they had agreed on was weird deal of her staying away from Jonas and Chris not attacking him in return. And that was not worth telling in her opinion.

"Yeah but he just apologised for what happened with Jonas and when I told him that Jonas called me a slut-"

"Hold on, he called you a slut? Girl why didn't you tell me?"

Oh, right. Eva had forgotten that Chris was the only one who knew about that since she had kept it secret from her friends. There wasn't any particular reason for that, she just was so tired of all that drama and backstabbing.

"I forgot about that, sorry."

"Did he call you that because of you and Chris? I mean... is Chris the only guy you have been with? Because if not..." She scratched the back of her head and looked down, signalising her that she felt uncomfortable.
Eva turned her head so fast in her direction that she could hear a snap. Did Vilde just agree to Jonas?

"What the hell is wrong with you, Vilde? For your information: I haven't even slept with Chris nor any other guy and even if I did, that doesn't give you the right to call me a slut. I thought we were closer than for you to slutshame me, honestly."

Eva took a step back and stormed past her friend who was just silently standing there in the hallway. Then she heard her yelling: "Eva, wait! I didn't mean it like that, I am sorry!"

Walking backwards she hissed: "Who are we even talking about, Vilde? I think I can still clearly picture you with more than one Penetrator guy. Have you slept with all of those? Because if so, you're a disgusting slut!"

Instead of following her, Vilde's jaw dropped and she froze. Eva just gave her a last tense look, then she turned around and hurried out of the school building. She was so angry at Vilde, although she knew how clumsy with words she could be from time to time and that most of the time she didn't mean any harm. She was just so naive and stubborn that she didn't even notice when she hurt people. But right now Eva could really not be around her.


Walking down the stairs and then across the schoolyard, Eva was staring at her phone so she didn't have to face anyone. After that short argument with Vilde she kind of felt annoyed and misunderstood and just wanted to get home as soon as possible.

Suddenly she heard a familiar voice that let her heart bounce in excitement.

"Hey!" Chris smirked at her through the opened window of his black mercedes which was parked a few meters away from the school entrance. He looked as fine as always, damn he was a beautiful bastard. She couldn't keep her eyes off of him, nor his dirty smile. 

He waved at her and signalised her to come closer to the car. At first she hesitated, since she wasn't so sure about his intentions. But since they had talked about what they were and it seemed like he respected her decision to not get involved in feelings too much, she put her doubts aside and walked over to him.

"Why are you here?"

"I thought we could go on a trip today, princess."

Princess? Eva didn't like it at all when boys called her princess or babygirl and all that cute stuff, it made her feel so young and weak. However when Chris said it, she was kinda okay with it which didn't make any sense, did it? 

"Okay and what did you have in mind?"

Raising one eyebrow at her and licking his lips, he wanted to start talking but Eva already knew him too well to predict what he was going to suggest. "No, Chris. Forget it, you know that we talked about this and that I don't need that kind of distraction." Wrong... She wanted this so badly if she was honest with herself and her needs. She wanted to forget about Jonas and as much as she planned on improving herself, Chris seemed like the perfect... mistake.

He sighed overdramatically and said: "You didn't even let me tell you what I had planned. It's not what you think, okay. I want to surprise you, now get in the car, silly." Chris opened the car door and singalised her to get in. Eva sighed and stared at him for a couple more seconds but then she decided to give it a chance.

Getting in the car, she said: "Okay but we have to stop at my home first, I have to change."

Raising one eyebrow at her, Chris replied: "Oh I don't think so. You look perfectly fine." Then she felt his hand landing on the bare skin of her thigh, gently rubbing it. "Besides, we're gonna get dirty again anyways." What the heck... It seemed like he hadn't understood anything she had told him.

"Chris, are you kidding me? I said I-"

"Hey, could you shut up for a second? I could really punch you right now for trying to ruin my surprise but I don't hit women. Now, if you could allow me to start the car, because otherwise we'll be late."

Eva looked at his hand which was still laying on her thigh, while he had been talking his grip had gotten a bit tighter... "But-"

"No but. Can you please trust me, Eva?"

Was she able to trust him? She deeply wanted to, she wanted to believe that there was a guy that was actually trusthworthy, that wasn't gonna hurt her. And if she was honest to herself, she sensed that she did trust Chris. 

When she was about to answer "Okay." someone else answered for her instead.

"I think the fuck not, Eva get out of that car."

Her heart dropped and she froze as she recognised Jonas' voice. Before she turned around she quickly looked at Chris and saw that he took his hand off her thigh, clenching his teeth with widened nostrils. Shit was about to get "dirty" but most likely not in the way he had planned...
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