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The movie had only been going for five minutes when Chris already seemed to be over it.

"Uhm, do you have something to eat? Because if I really am supposed to watch this for another 90 minutes, I'm gonna need food."

Eva sighed but she mumbled: "Sure, I will make us some popcorn." She got up from her bed and walked out of the room, into the kitchen. After she got the popcorn bag out of the cupboard, she put it in the microwave. This boy really hated romantic movies, maybe she should have chosen an apocalyptic film in which many people got torn apart. Since she loved those kinds of movies as well, it wouldn't even have been a problem for her. But she had to admit that she really wanted to tease Chris, it was just so fun to make him mad.

The popcorn was ready so she took it out of the bag and filled it into a large bowl. It smelled so delicious that she couldn't resist and ate a few pieces. Then she grabbed the bowl and walked back into her room.
When she saw that Chris had changed his position and was now sitting on the edge of the bed, right in front of the TV, starring at the screen with furrowed eyebrows like he was trying to analyse the plot, she smiled.

"Here." She handed him the bowl. Without taking his eyes off the screen, he grabbed it and stuffed a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth.

"Thank you, Eva. You're welcome, Chris." She shook her head and sat down next to him.
"Oh yeah, thank you by the way." He smiled at her and pointed at the TV.
"So when are they gonna get dirty?"

"Come on, boy. Please just give it a chance, it's one of my fave movies." 

Chris sighed and said: "Alright, for you, princess." 
Eva ate some popcorn and fixed her eyes on the TV screen.

They watched the scene in which Baby and Johnny were practising for the dance competition. When Eva glanced over to Chris, she noticed how his eyes widened as the dancing got more heated. "Oh, is this the part where it gets dirty?" He raised on eyebrow at Eva, giving her a naughty smirk.

 "Oh, is this the part where it gets dirty?" He raised on eyebrow at Eva, giving her a naughty smirk

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"Just shut up and keep watching." She tried grabbing the bowl to snatch some popcorn but Chris pulled it away, out of her reach. When she leaned over to catch it, he pulled even more away with every inch her fingers got closer to it.

"Chris." She leaned over a little more, now she was almost on his lap.
The boy laughed and held the bowl over his head so she had to stretch out her arm.

"Stop teasing me!" He put one hand on her shoulder, pushing her down so she had no chance.
"Says the biggest tease of all time."

"I swear to god I'm gonna beat you up if you don't stop." Eva didn't even want popcorn that bad anymore, she just felt the urge to win this fight. Chris wasn't going to get the pleasure of dominating her once more.

She awkwardly wrestled him down on the bed, all focused on the bowl. Now she was sitting on top of Chris, leaning on his chest and reaching after her trophy.
In the background she could still hear Baby singing "Baby, oh baby. My sweet baby, you're the one."

Chris seemed to be surprised by her fierceness, because he made a gasping noise which sounded kind of like a laugh taken by surprise.
"Oh shit, Eva. You're wild." He finally let her reach the bowl. "I didn't know you loved popcorn enough to jump me."

She let go of him and sat down on the bed, holding onto the popcorn for dear life. "You are so stupid, do you know that." He was still laying, both arms crossed behind his head. The way he looked at her told her that he was thinking about something dirty again.

"And you are so sexy when you're trying to compete with me." Giving her a dirty grin, he raised his eyebrows when he noticed that the left strap of her top had been pulled to the side so her bra strap was showing. "You know I could show you some dirty dancing, if you want to." She only now realised that the whole situation was kind of awkward, considering she had just sat on him, almost grinded on him.

Because she felt kind of uncomfortable, Eva couldn't contain herself and hit him as hard as she could on his arm. The smirk on his face disappeared and he jumped a few inches away from her. Holding his arm with his hand he looked at her, impressed and pretty surprised at the same time. 

"If you don't stop I will hit you again."

"Okay, okay. I give up." He laughed and wiped a strand of hair out of his face, adding: "Only for now, of course." Eva didn't know what to comment so she just nodded and took a relaxed position, placing the popcorn bowl in her lap.

"Now can we please continue the movie? You haven't even seen the iconic scene yet."
He narrowed his eyes at her and replied: "Oh, you mean the sex scene?" He looked so serious, for a moment she almost forgot that he had never seen the movie before.
"No, jerk. You will know when you see it."

"Alright." Chris starred at her for a few seconds, absolutely silent, just studying her. Then he said: "You know, you actually hit pretty hard." A wide grin made its way all over his face. "I like it rough."

Eva really began to doubt whether there was anything else than the tought of getting her laid in his head. She couldn't understand why he didn't give up, it was not like she was the perfect girl that every guy wanted to get his hands on.

"Ugh, Chris. If you only came here with the intention to hook up I have to disappoint you. I thought we could have fun without you trying to seduce me all the time." She had to admit that he was indeed good at seducing and if she didn't have such a strong conscience she would have probably already let him stick his tongue down her throat. But after the talk with Jonas she felt like it wasn't okay to just move on that quickly.

"Wow, you think I have nothing else to offer than sex?" He pouted his lips, acting all hurt. "This insults me, Eva."

"Well, do you? I feel like I'm only an object of lust to you and I don't even know why."

He opened his mouth to say something but then he stopped and looked down. Suddenly he looked really serious and Eva worried if she had said the wrong thing, considering what had happened earlier.

"I guess I never really had girl friends that weren't just hook ups. They weren't even friends with benefits, I just saw them as one-night-stands or something that lasted a bit longer." Eva was silent, she didn't know what to say. Was he really opening up to her, just like that?

"But with you it's different. At least I think it is, because I enjoy spending time with you. I like doing other stuff than making out. And don't get me wrong, I love making out with you." He raised his head and smiled at her, that kind of smile that signalized he had something naughty in mind.

Eva said: "Okay, I have to say it's always pretty heated when I'm with you. And you help me to kind of forget about everything for a while, which is not easy to achieve. I'm really thankful for that. Maybe that's just the way we work? Nothing serious, just enjoying our time together?"

She noticed that his eyes flickered a bit when she said "Nothing serious" but that probably didn't mean anything. Chris bit his lip and looked at her, then he nodded and smiled.

"I guess so. Besides, I hate drama."

Eva furrowed her eyebrows and said in return: "You said you like causing drama."

"That's true, but I don't like every kind of drama, if you know what I mean." He laughed and sticked out his tongue.
She sighed and nodded. "If you say so. Now let's just finish the movie. The iconic part should come in about ten minutes."

Chris changed his position to get more comfortable - which was unsurprisingly close to her - and commented: "I'm expecting big drama, girl." His head was only five inches away from her shoulder and somehow it felt pretty good. Eva smiled, then she payed attenion to the plot, which she had seen approximately a dozen times.

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