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"Okay I have to admit that the movie wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. I mean it was still really bad but at least I didn't throw up." Chris gave Eva one of his sassy smiles.

The movie was over and Eva couldn't help but be upset. After a while he had started moving more in her direction, terribly noticeable and she had been okay with it somehow. He had been acting surprisingly subtile in contrast to how needy and demanding he was normally. His attempt to come closer to her - almost shy - had been kind of adorable.

"Woww." She raised her eyebrows at him in surprise. "To be honest I was waiting the whole time for you to have a cringe - breakdown but you disappointed me."

He bursted out in laughter and poked her. "Hey, Christoffer Schistad doesn't disappoint!"

"You wish." The brown eyed boy gasped in feigned outrage. Moving his head towards hers and looking directly into her eyes, he whispered: "Just you wait, I will prove you wrong." His tone was all playful again and he gave her this seductive look... From cute to player in less than 0.5 seconds.

Eva had to avert her head to prevent the deep sigh that was moving upwards from her throat

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Eva had to avert her head to prevent the deep sigh that was moving upwards from her throat.

"Bye the way I do have to say that scene you mentioned was indeed iconic. That dude lifted her up like she weighs nothing." Chris made an impressed facial expression and nodded.

Before she could even gather her thoughts, her mouth opened and she heard herself saying: "Well don't even think about us recreating it, it's not gonna work with me obviously." Why the hell did she say that? She wasn't even really insecure about her weight so what made her act like she was...

The smile on Chris' face vanished and a serious look appeared instead as he furrowed his eyebrows at her. Without saying anything he just sat there, a few inches away from her face, looking at her. Eva began to feel completely uncomfortable because the silence was kind of awkward. Then he said: "Wait, what?"

She looked down and smiled forcedly, trying to end this whole situation. "Nothing, forget it."

But Chris didn't seem to have finished. "You just said you think you are too fat for me to lift you and you want me to act like nothing happened? Eva you gotta be kidding me." He changed his position and was now sitting straight up in front of her.

"First of all: I think I could handle you. I mean, I consider myself pretty strong." He continued in a more serious way. "And then: You are not fat. You might not be as skinny as that girl in the movie but you're just perfect. Besides, I wouldn't make out with you if you looked like her. I prefer curves, believe me."

Eva had no clue what to comment on that, she was absolutely speechless. Even though she didn't like how he spoke about the body of another girl in a negative way, she knew that it was only to make her feel good about hers.

"Uhm... Thank you." She smiled awkwardly, trying to avoide his stare. Out of the very corner of her eye she noticed that he smiled too, maybe he was amused by her being embarrassed.

"Jesus Christ, Eva. Did Jonas make you become that insecure or what happened? I mean you know that you are sexy, you showed that - multiple times."

"I don't know. I usually never complain about my body, I am okay with the way I look."

"Well you should be." Eva raised her head and flinched slightly when their eyes met. He looked so soft, like they fuckboy in him was completely gone. Of course she knew that this was impossible and he was supreme at deceiving people but right now? She could have sworn that he seemed to genuinely care about her.

Then he broke the stare and said: "Alright, I think I'm going to go now. I'd love to stay longer and practice some dirty dancing with you but I think that movie made me so tired I need to recover." He got up from the bed.

"Oh okay, I will bring you downstairs."

"That's what I expected from you, nice girl." Chris smirked in a feigned noble way.

They walked down the stairs and Eva waited till he had put on his sneakers then she opened the door. Chris stepped outside and said: "You know, I actually enjoyed today. Not because of that crappy movie." He laughed and added: "Can't believe it didn't even take me to drink to survive this."

She was aware of the fact that this was him trying to be nice so she gave him recognition for that. "I enjoyed it too. Next time you get to choose what we do." Noticing a familiar glance in his eyes, she quickly added: "As long as it's legal and doesn't include sexual actions."

Chris laughed and said: "Okay, I'll think about it. Bye, Eva."

When he was about to turn around and walk to his car, he stopped. "I almost forgot. There's this penetrator party next Saturday and I would like you to come too."

"A party of the penetrators? Are you still a member even though you already graduated?"

He shrugged his shoulders and said: "There will be a lot of newbies and Will is out of town but it's just a party, I don't really care. As long as there are people that are fun."

A party full of strangers - the majority of them drunk boys - and Chris? That sounded like fun probably but at the same time Eva could sense trouble. Maybe she should take someone with her, just in case.
"Can I bring someone?" She thought about asking Noora, since William wasn't at the party so the two of them could go as friends and enjoy the party together.

For a second Chris' eyes flickered in confusion. Then he cleared his throat and said: "Uhm... Sure. There will be so many people anyway so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Okay, then I will be there."

With a big smirk on his face, he said: "Great! I will text you the details later." He winked at her and turned around. Before he got into his car, he yelled over his shoulder. "Goodnight, Eva. Get your beauty sleep." Then he opened the car door and added: "Not that you need it or anything."

Eva couldn't suppress a slight smile. She stuck out her tongue and waved at him, then he got in the car and drove away.

Chris & Eva - Is it desire or is it love?Where stories live. Discover now