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When Eva and Jonas finally arrived at the location of the party, they could already see several Penetrators laying on the ground, throwing up like there was no tomorrow - and they didn't want to imagine what it looked like inside the house. Harsh beats were coming through the open door and lots of teenagers were screaming.

Jonas looked at Eva with an expression that was meant to say: "See, I told you." But she didn't want to let him notice how nervous she actually was, so she just faked a relaxed smile. It was just party, nothing to be afraid of. It was all good.

"Let's go inside." She went in first - and was immediatley overwhelmed by the weird atmosphere. There were so many people, most of them were wearing the typical Penetrator hoodie, even the girls. Eva noticed some wild make out sessions, one Penetrator was just laying on a couch with two girls who had already taken their tops off and were obviously more than just completely drunk.

'What the heck..' Eva felt the strong urge to turn around and run all the way home. Although she loved parties and most of the time nothing serious happened, this one looked quite tragic. Moreover she had to realise that she was dressed absolutely prude compared to the other girls who had decided that it was the best to show up with only a bra on.
Kinda using her elbows to make her way through the wild crowd and get ... somewhere (?), she glanced over her shoulder to make sure that Jonas was still there.

He seemed to be amused and disgusted at the same time, because he just silently followed her, watching the people and smiling every now and then.
Eva didn't even know where she was headed but she wanted to drink something before dealing with the whole situation. There was no chance she was going to survive at this party without getting drunk.

After she pushed babbling teenagers to the side and ducked once to avoid a guy that wanted to kiss her out of nowhere, she discovered a table with beverages in a corner.
"Jonas, do you want a drink too?"

He looked at her in confusion, then he yelled: "I'm pretty sure that's illegal, Eva."
She couldn't help but laugh and shouted back: "I said, do you want a drink too?"
"Oh, yeah sure. What else is there to do.." She nodded and filled two cups with a random liquid, if she was honest she didn't even care what it was.

Then both of them drank the entire cup at once. She felt the alcohol running down her throat, like oil, comfortabely burning. Immediately Eva could notice how she got a bit calmer and was able to really look around, to focus. Jonas was just standing in front of her, still inspecting the other party people. Then moved his head and fixed his eyes on her, with a bored look.

"Do you want to dance?"

Since there was really not much to do at this party, Eva shrugged her shoulders and nodded. Both of them went back "into" the crowd, after placing their cups on the desk.
She remembered what an awful dancer Jonas was when she was how he started busting weird moves. But well, as long as he was having fun. She tried to ignore the intense jumping and jostling around her and focused more on moving her body to the rhythm.

Jonas laughed at her and obviously tried to make her laugh too, being his goofy self. And if she was completely honest, she had to admit that she was glad that he had chosen to come with her. Without him she would have been absolutely lost at this party.

They had been dancing for about half an hour, Eva was quite exhausted and thirsty, because there was almost no fresh air in the room left and all the people caused the room temperature to be extremely uncomforting. She was sweating and breathing heavily, the cute look from the beginning of the party was more or less already ruined. But who cared? Jonas didn't seem to even notice and all the other people were too drunk and stoned to pay attention to her.

Still she needed a glass of water.
"I'm gonna get some water, should I bring you some?" Jonas seemed to be having the time of his life, he just shook his head and continued dancing like a lunatic.

So Eva went back to the table with the beverages, to find water. Soon she realised that it wasn't that easy, because most of the bottles were filled with a clear liquid... Either she had to open everyone and smell or she could ask somebody.
Looking around she decided that there was indeed no other choice than finding the potential water herself, since no one looked like they were even able to tell apart a boy and a girl.

When she was just about to open the first bottle, she felt someone gently grabbing her waist from behind. What the fuck? Out of reflex she moved her body to the side to get the person away from her body. If that was Jonas then he was about to get beaten up by her.
Turning around Eva hissed: "What the hell, Jo-" then she saw who it really was and went completely silent.

"Hi, Eva." Chris grinned at her and added, absolutely wasted: "Why so bitchy to me? It's not like you don't like it when I touch you." She had completely forgotten about him and now that he stood right in front of her, Eva remembered that there was still potential drama if he saw Jonas.

"Oh, ehm... Hi." Giving him an awkward smile she tried to catch a glance at Jonas as subtle as possible but all she could see where dancing teenagers.
"You looking for someone? OH, wait I forgot your friend."

"Yeahhh, he's somewhere in this room I guess."

"He?" Chris raised one eyebrow at her.

'Shit.' What was she supposed to do? What made her think she was going to be able to make both of them miss each other the whole night long anyways... Maybe she should just tell him, after all it was none of his business.

"Listen, I gotta tell you something." Eva started rambling. "I really asked Noora and the other girls but... They didn't... I..." He just stood there, both arms crossed and looking at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Eva, just fucking tell me."

"Okay, I brought Jonas. But I really didn't plan on doing so, he kinda invited himself you know."

For a second, Chris was just silent, pouting his lips and starring at her. Then he feigned a big smile and yelled: "Jonas! Love this guy, where is he?" He turned around and made his way into the crowd. She quickly followed him, trying to catch his arm but he was too fast. Then she recognised Jonas' curly hair and wasn't even able to speak one word before Chris had reached him.

"Hey, Jonas! Didn't know you joined the Penetrators?"

Jonas looked at him in pure confusion, then he turned his head in her direction, obviously asking for an explanation. But she just shrugged her shoulders with an excusing expression on her face.

Jonas cleared his throat and took a step towards Chris, showing him that he was not intimidated by him at all, even tho the former Penetrator was already drunk as hell and had smoked a few joints.
"Hey, dude. Thought I should keep an eye on Eva, you know. Don't know what you guys are up to."

Chris gave him a fake smile, full of hypocrisy and took a deep breath. Then he put one hand on Jonas' shoulder, weirdly patting it and replied: "I appreciate that. I'm glad Eva has someone to protect her." He turned around to her. "Right, Eva?"

Eva wasn't sure whether she had ever felt that uncomfortable in her entire life. The whole situation was so awkward and she was afraid that both of them were drunk enough to start a fight right at the party, in front of everyone. She knew that Chris was absolutely down for it and Jonas wasn't going to let him win that easily...
Both of them were starring at her, awaiting her comment.

"Guys, don't make a scene. We are here to enjoy the party, okay? I don't want any drama." She heard her own voice, kinda drunk, kinda insecure and she had to admit that she sounded dumb as fuck. But she didn't know what to say to make it better.

Chris nodded, let go of Jonas and held both hands up, saying: "Aww, Eva. I don't want drama either." When her eyes met and she noticed the expression on his face, she knew that he was pissed off. And although he smiled at her and said: "Have fun, guys." before disappearing into the crowd, she could sense that drama was just around the corner...


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