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Eva was in her room, procrastinating. Altough she knew that the article about the russebuss culture and what it meant to the Norwegian youth wasn't going to write itself, she had no motivation whatsoever. She was back in school for only two days and had already been assigned homework in three different subjects, besides the topic really didn't interest her since she still thought it was a stupid idea.

'It's about time I drop out.' she thought to herself, not even joking. Where was the point in wasting her time with homework about issues she wasn't even interested in? Watching random music videos on YouTube while stalking random people on Instagram seemed way more attractive. 

After going through various profiles, liking and commenting on some pictures of her friends, she suddenly found herself on Chris account. He had posted a new picture which showed him dancing at William's party. Eva frowned when she noticed herself behind him, her arms passionately wrapped around his chest... Awkward. She couldn't even remember that moment and if she was honest she was kind of glad.

Chris hadn't tagged her in the picture so he obviously wanted all the attention to himself, once again. She shook her head and wanted to get off his page - when she read the caption.

"Can't keep her hands to herself." #mystalker #inlovewithme

He. Did. Not.

She opened her private chat with him.

evamohn2: Was that caption really necessary?

Only half  minute later, he sent a response. When she read it, she almost gasped.

chrisschistad: Hey, you little stalker. Don't lie to yourself, you know it's true. ;)

evamohn2: I was drunk, I can't even remember. 

Besides, who took that picture?

chrisschistad: A friend of mine, he couldn't resist, haha.

As if this certain friend had suddenly come to the idea of randomly taking a picture of Chris, dancing with someone. Eva knew that he was playing with her.

evamohn2: Yeah, sure. But for real though, can you change the caption? 

Everyone will think I'm a crazy slut or something.

The whole #inlovewithme made it even worse.

chrisschistad: At least they will know you're my slut. :P

Why couldn't he act normal for once instead of being as flirty as always. What was he trying to achieve anyway.

evamohn2: I'm no one's 'slut'.  Please, Chris. 

It makes me feel uncomfortable, you didn't even ask.

No reply. Was he gone? Eva could already feel how she got upset, even more than before. This boy was just so irresistible (for some odd reason) yet causing trouble whenever he was around.

She wanted to turn her display off when she got a notification about the chat.

chrisschistad: Changed it. Hope you're satisfied now.

Expecting something like "We will continue dancing in the bedroom later." or "She knows what she wants." - it was Chris after all - she went back to the post on his profile. When she saw what he had chosen as the caption instead, she couldn't help a loud laugh.

"I love dancing." #dancingiscool

Maybe that was the cutest thing she had ever seen of Chris.

evamohn2: Aww, that's perfect. I'm satisfied, thanks.

chrisschistad: Anytime, babe. Don't want no beef with you.

Eva was relieved, because she knew that many people would have seen the post. People that still went to her school and she didn't want them to think of her as a stalker...

chrisschistad: Btw: I can help you becoming even more satisfied. ;)

Ugh. There he was again. So smooth yet so annoying at the same time.

evamohn2: Yeah, Chris. You wish. See you!

chrisschistad: I won't give up on my stalker.

She shook her head and turned off the display. This boy was so much trouble and such a distraction. But somehow she still couldn't get away from him...


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Chris & Eva - Is it desire or is it love?Where stories live. Discover now