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After the talk with Jonas, Eva was on her way home. She tought about how the conversation had turned out to be kind of a relief for her, because she had been so worried over the past weeks and now she didn't have to be anymore. Even though that didn't mean that everything was back to normal and it would take her a while to forgive Jonas, to forgive herself, she was glad that he seemed to want her back in his life as much as she needed him. As a friend. It felt good to know that he was still there for her and hadn't already moved on like she had never existed.

She listened to "Borders" by M.I.A. and could feel how the song carried her away, made her walk faster as she was moving to the beat. It was an unusual song and she didn't remember how it ended up in her playlist but she loved it. There was just a deeper meaning behind it, which made it even more special.

Because she had turned up the volume up to a point where she couldn't hear any other noises surrounding her than the music, she didn't notice the car coming up behind her. It was a black Mercedes, driving conspiciously slow given the fact that there was no speed limit for this particular street...

When the driver of the car honked to catch her attention, Eva jumped up, scared by the sudden sound. She pulled out her headphones and turned her head to the vehicle. The car stopped and the window was rolled down. Eva narrowed her eyes at the person sitting behind the steering wheel. When she recognized the face, she cursed: "God dammit, Chris!"

The boy smirked out of smug.
"I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm not God." Raising one eyebrow at her he added: "Although I've been called that very name quite often already."

"You scared the shit out of me. Why are you following me like a creep?"

"You should be glad that it's just me and not some real creep trying to kidnap you."

She rolled her eyes at him.
"No person who has the intention of kidnapping someone honks at their victim and warns them so they can run away."

"Well, what can I say I love a decent hunt. Would be boring otherwise." Chris gave her a dirty grin and continued: "Now get in the car."

She had absolutely no intention to get in the car of Chris Schistad so she said: "That's exactly what I won't do."

"Aww." He pouted his lips. "Why? Are you afraid of me?"
Ignoring his mockingly raised eyebrows, Eva laughed.

"Boy, don't be ridiculous. I just don't know where you would take me and besides, my mom told me not to get in a stranger's car."

A feigned disappointed look appeared on Chris' face. "Me? A stranger? When we were making out I felt like we knew each other pretty well." Damn, he was a master at sarcastic comments, she had almost forgotten.

"Don't be too sure about that."

"Come on, I can give you a ride home."

"No thanks, I have to working legs."

The dirty smirk was back on his face as he lifted his chin up. "I know, I can see them."

Eva sighed and said: "Chris, what do you want? I don't have much time."

"Since when do stalkers have no time for their object of obsession?"

Alright, that was it. She started walking and let Chris and his car behind. He was just a waste of time when he was all on flirtation mode.

"Fine! If you don't get in the car, I will get out instead." She turned around just to witness how he opened the door and stepped out of the Mercedes. As he came up to her, she said: "Chris, you can't just leave it there. That's dangerous."

He stopped in front of her. "I've always been attracted by danger."

"How poetic. Now hurry up, I still have to do my homework."

"I would help you but you're way smarter than me."

Eva crossed her arms and asked dubiously: "You? Would help me?"

Chris laughed and let his hand glide through his shiny hair. "Yeah, okay that was a lie. But see, you know me very well."

Taking a very relaxed position considering him having parked his car right in the middle of the street, he added: "I wanted to ask you if you want to hang around today but since you seem to be busy, how about tomorrow? I could come to your place."

Although Eva was aware of his possible intention to let the visit end in a passionate make-out session on her bed, she was not completely opposed to the idea. After all Chris was very entertaining and a funny guy to spend her time with, when he didn't only think with his dick for once.

"Alright. We can watch a movie which I will choose, since it's my home."

"Netflix and Chill, great idea Eva! I will be all yours." Chris winked at her. "I will be there at six, see you." She watched him walking back to his car when he shouted at her: "And do your homework, baby! You won't have time for stuff like that tomorrow." Getting into his car, he laughed and closed the door.
Then he disappeared as quickly as he had come.

Eva realised that she hadn't thought about whether watching a movie - without chill - was a date but she decided against that. It was just a simple hangout without any ties.


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