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After a while - they were still working on the presentation - Eva's phone rang. She saw that she had gotten a message from Jonas... Out of an inner reflex she started to panic a little.

"Noora... It's Jonas."

Noora furrowed her eyebrows at her. "And? What does he want?"

"I don't know, I don't dare open his message."

"Come on, Eva. Don't let him push you around again like back then when he basically could make you do whatever he wanted."

Okay, Noora was absolutely right and Eva got kind of mad at herself for letting her ex-boyfriend make her feel nervous. She clicked on his message.

 She clicked on his message

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"He wants to talk to me... About me and Chris."

While grabbing Eva's phone her friend said: "Let me have a look." When she had read it, she added: "But what's there to talk about? You told me there's nothing serious between you. So why would Jonas care anyway?"

That was a good question but Eva didn't have an answer to it. Sure, it hadn't been the best idea to just wildly make out with Jonas but she had only given paypack to Chris, not even to provoke him. So yeah, she had kinda used Jonas for her own purpose but a "Chris and her" was definitely non-existent. At least she thought so...

"No idea, honestly. What should I reply? I don't even want to talk about all of this."

"Hmm." Noora looked at her for a second, obviously thinking about the best advice. "I think you should talk to him. I mean, its not like you have to justify anything. The two of you have been broken up for months now and I am pretty sure he has had a couple of make outs himself since then. So if he starts asking questions you feel he doesn't deserve to hear the answer to, just leave his annoying ass alone."

Eva literally wanted to kiss Noora for being so amazing. She loved this girl so much and she knew that she was able to trust her with her life.

"Okay, you are right." Noora gave her her phone back.

She typed in her reply and pressed "send".

Eva: Sure but there's not much to talk about. See you tomorrow at school.

"Just make sure he stays in his lane and everything is going to be fine. Like Justin said, 'Everything's gonna be alright.'' Noora winked at her and laughed. She really knew how to make someone feel better, another reason why Eva admired her so much.

"You are so obsessed with Justin Bieber." said Eva and giggled.

The blonde girl held her right index finger in her face, acting like she was all serious."Hey, watch it. He cute but William is way cuter."

"Wowowow, I'm backing off. Whatever you say." They bursted out in laughter.


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