The Morning After

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Sophia heard voices. It was almost as if they were far away. Opening her eyes she stared up at the top of the cage and then sat up slowly. She was alone for now and she could easily hear the conversation above her in the kitchen. 

"Don't you think I know this Elena? What am I supposed to do? We are already in a conflict with the other alphas. After killing your grandfather, it seems to have upset everyone. If they knew about her....anything at all.....where do you think they would go? What do you think they would do?" 

Jeremy's voice seemed harsh and frustrated from what she could hear. 

"She is your daughter. She is part of the pack. At least let us try and teach her to fight. See if she can handle it. Clay and I will take responsibility for her." 

Elena's voice sounded desperate. Sophia was not sure what was going on, but it didn't sound good. Not at all. 

It was then that she heard a knock at the door. She listened and was even more surprised to hear her mother's voice. She was dead. How could she be here? She attended her funeral. It was then that she realized she wanted out of the cage. She went to the door and went to push on it, expecting it to be locked. It wasn't. 

She pushed it fully open and headed up the stairs only to be met by Elena at the top. Elena caught her easily and then held her there for a moment while she talked. 

"I thought your mother was dead. She is in the office with Jeremy right now. Seems she felt that something was wrong. What was wrong with her?" Elena spoke quietly to her and then waited patiently for an answer. 

"I....she has cancer. The doctor didn't give her much longer." Sophia spoke sadly. A bit of shock and surprise lingered in her voice. "How is it that she is here?" 

She finally struggled and pushed past Elena and right into Clay. Why wouldn't they let her go to them. She wanted to see her mother. 

She began to strain her ears so that she could hear what they were saying.

"I know I should have told you about her, Jeremy. I just....there is an issue. I am dying, but I wanted the world to think that I was already dead. I was worried and wanted to be sure that Sophia would be safe with you. I kept a secret from you. I am not what you think I am." There was a pause, before she continued. 

"I am a witch. Sophia was born different. Special. I have spent years trying to make sure that she didn't change again or come into her powers. I know it has never happened before. I know what you are. She is a combination of us both. Witch and werewolf. Though, I have not trained her as a witch. She shifted once. On her sixth birthday. We were alone at the time and she was a wolf pup. Not dangerous. I found some herbs that suppressed her wolf side. She doesn't remember and I didn't remind her. She has raw power as a witch and is very strong. I...."

There was silence and Sophia didn't hear anymore for a few minutes. Then Jeremy spoke.

"You mean to tell me that Sophia is part of a prophecy? That she can bring the bloodlines together? Wolves and witches can live in peace? All of us? The is just a little hard to believe, Maggie. One child can't do that alone." 

"Jeremy, I know that you think that. But think about it. Why would she be a wolf. A female wolf. Yes, Elena is the only one that survived being bitten. I know about her. If Sophia had been bitten it would have killed her. She could not have withstood the bite and the change. But she was born to it. Never before in the history of our kinds has there been a hybrid." Sophia heard coughing and then Elena took her by the hand.

"Come on. You shouldn't be eavesdropping. Lets get you some breakfast. Do you like pancakes?" 

Sophia turned back to look in the direction that her mother and father were and found herself face to face with Clay. Well, his chest. She had to look up at him. Apparently, he had heard what had been said too and he could see in Sophia's eyes that she was going to lose it. 

"We have ham and bacon and sausage. Lots of syrup. You have to be hungry after last night." Clay had tried to distract her as well and between him and Elena, he was able to do so. 

Sophia sat at the table as she stared down at the huge stack of pancakes on her plate. She was hungry. Hungrier than she had ever been. She picked up her fork and listened to Elena and Clay talk to her as they kept her preoccupied. Something that adults always seemed to know how to do when it came to kids. 

"When we are done here, I will take you upstairs and we can choose a bedroom for you. Won't that be fun? We can plan and design your room the way you want it. Anything you want, I am sure we can do." She glanced at Clay to see if he was bored with the conversation. He didn't seem to be and she had some questions to ask Elena about being a wolf, but before she could get the first bite in her mouth 'HE' walked in. 

"Hey, guys. I was just checking on Logan's wife and.....hey, who's this?" The man looked over at her and just stared. 

"That is my daughter and you keep your paws off of her, Nick." 

She heard footsteps coming from behind her and then turned to see her father, but not her mother. Where was she? A look of panic crossed her face and she turned to look at Elena. Sad thing was, she knew where her mother was. She had made a bargain with her father. She could tell by the look in his eyes, that he was a bit disturbed by the moments before. 

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