Lunch with the bad boys?!?

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The bell rang signaling lunch. Thank god. The day seemed to drag on.

I began to walk towards the cafeteria. As I was walking, I noticed people seemed to be staring. That's a little peculiar. I began to speed walk to the cafeteria. All of the stares were making me nervous.

I paid for my burger and sat down at my usual table. I usually sit with random people. Today was different. The table with 'random people' was filled. I decided to sit at an empty table. I am for sure a social butterfly as you can tell.

I began to eat my burger. About five minutes into this delicious gift from above, three trays were placed on my table. It must be the 'random people' I like calling them that because none of us know each other but we still sit with each other almost every day.

I looked up and to my surprise, it wasn't my peeps.It was River and his two best friends. Andrew and Aiden. The three of them are almost always together.

The four of us were sitting in awkward silence for at least five minutes when Andrew spoke up. "Why are we sitting here?" He asked confused. Yeah why are they sitting here? I was supposed to stay away from him.

"She's my new friend. Be cool guys." He said. They nodded looking confused.

I smiled at River. "We aren't friends." Especially after our incident earlier. These boys are bad news. They are known for getting into fights and for gang related things. There are a lot of rumors about them that are not good. I do not with to be involved with that.

"Well, too bad because you are part of our group now, right guys?" River said turning towards his two friends.

Andrew almost choked on his pizza. Aiden just shrugged and said, "Whatever she's hot,". My mouth hit the floor. River glared at Aiden.

Andrew nudged Aiden in the shoulder making him look up. Aiden looked at River with a knowing look. "Oh, that's why we sat here. You like her, ooo!" River rolled his eyes. "Yes, so that's why you two keep you hands to yourselves, she's mine," he said.

Both Andrew and Aiden nodded as they looked back and forth between River and I. I'm his? Who does he think he is? I'm no ones. Is he on something?

"I'm no ones. I am not an object or a toy that you can have just like that. I'm a human being. I'm sorry, but I don't want to be friends with you guys. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go now." I said as I got up. River followed me out of the cafeteria.

Whats up with him and following me? He needs to stop, it's getting creepy.

I was almost to the library when I turned around and noticed he was still casually following me. Seriously, what's up with this guy? "Why are you following me?" I asked "Just making sure your safe," he responded. "From what?" I asked pushing up my glasses.

"I don't know bad guys, monsters, demons, and so on," I cracked a smile. I quickly recovered from it and stopped. "Hey I made you smile." River said smiling. I awkwardly smiled again as I walked into the library.

River stopped outside of the library. As much as I don't want him following me, I'm curious as to why he just suddenly stopped. "Why did you stop?"

"I got kicked out of the library a few months ago. I'm not allowed back." I nodded. As I walked away I began to silently laugh.

The last bell of the day rang. I was pretty upset because this meant it was time to go home. I rolled my eyes and began to walk outside. I suddenly felt a large hand grab me by the wrist. I looked up and it was River again. "Let me go," I said irritated trying to pull away from his grasp.

"No can do. I'm giving you a ride home." He said. "Can you at least let go of me? I don't need help." He let go of my wrist. I didn't really complain after that. I mean who would pass up an offer of not walking five miles home? I didn't feel like walking home anyways.

Once we reached his car I got in. I was thinking of all the possible scenarios that could happen so I would be ready incase he tried to pull something on me. I don't trust him yet. He seems sketchy to me.

"Where do you live?" he asked looking over at me. I gave him the directions to the house across the street to mine. Just incase. He nodded and pulled out of the parking lot.

Once we got to 'my house' I began to gather my things. "I'm going to pick you up tomorrow," he said.

I squinted my eyes. Should I let him pick me up tomorrow? I do hate walking to school every morning. "Alright. 8:00?" I asked. "Yes, baby girl." He said. I nodded and closed the door.

I waited until he left my street to walk over to my house. I unlocked my door, went upstairs to my bedroom, took a shower, and called it a night. I wonder if he will actually show up tomorrow.

The bad boy likes me?!?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin