The bad boy saw what?!?

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I woke up the next morning feeling pretty good. I have no idea why but I did, it was weird. I never wake up feeling good.

Brandon was still sleeping and so was everybody else, so I decided to take a shower. Once I got out of the shower, I realized that I left my clothes in the room next to my bed. Why does this have to happen to me? Me of all people. The universe just loves me.

If I go out there, I'm risking the boys seeing me in a towel. It's not the prettiest sight considering the fact that I look like a wet rat when my hair is wet.

What if I call someone? I wont have to face the humiliation of three hot guys seeing my unshaved legs and my hair. Great thinking Natalie! I'm so proud of myself.

I opened the door and tried to whisper shout to Brandon. I hope he hears me; he's a heavy sleeper.

"Brandon...Brandon...Brandoooonnnnnn!" Nothing. He was still sleeping like a baby. I glanced around and began walking towards the bag. I'm not going to waste all day waiting for him to wake up. They boys may do so before he does.

I grinned at the accomplishment of almost making it to my bag without making a sound. Victory is mine. My moment was soon ruined by the ringing of a phone.

I heard shuffling. I was hoping they would ignore it. I looked up and saw it was Rivers phone. I mentally cursed.

I started to panic. I didn't know what to do in a situation like this, so I did what any other person would do in a situation like this, I froze.

River lazily opened his eyes and saw me. I quickly hid my face hoping he wouldn't see how red it was. It happens to me all the time when I'm embarrassed. It's a bad side effect.

River smirked. He checked me out. Yes ladies and gentlemen, he looked at me up and down. What he did next is what almost made me pass out. He bit his lip. Let that sink in.

I quickly got my bag and went into the restroom as River answered the phone. That was so embarrassing. He bit his lip? I'm not even hot. He looked at me as if I where a pork-chop!

River King had girls throwing themselves at him at school. A lot of them were gorgeous. Why would he look at me like that if he's seen better?

I couldn't help but think how hot he looked with his bed head. Did I mention he wasn't wearing a shirt?

I quickly changed and left my hair flow in its natural waves. I mean I never really do anything special with it so, why bother now?

As I exited the restroom I saw that everybody was now awake except for of course Brandon. Way to go, bud. I'm really proud of him.

He usually wakes up before me during weekends. I guess that trip to McDonalds really wore him out.

I noticed that everybody was moving quickly. Andrew looked like he was constipated. What's up with them?

"What's going on?" I asked directing the question to anybody who is willing to answer.

"Turns out the guys that are after us followed us all the way here but lost us as soon as we stopped at McDonalds. They are close to us and we have to go now." River said. You know things are not all sunshine's and rainbows when you see River looking panicked.

"How do you know this?" I asked. I mean, it was slightly impossible to know these things without extra help.

"We have connections." Aiden said glancing over at me.

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