Telling the truth?!?

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 I looked deeply into his eyes. Soaking up his grey orbs that I desperately want. "So, River..."

"Hey guys what are y'all doing out here?" Andrew asked coming in-between us with a huge smile on his face, interrupting me. Talk about bad timing! I was about to tell River everything, but no, Andrew had to come and interrupt us.

I looked up at him, awkwardly smiling. River looked like he was about to kill him or worse, choke him on the spot.

"Nothing."  River answered with gritted teeth while glaring at him. "Dude, I'm sorry what did I do?"  Andrew asked clueless as to what was happening before he interrupted us.

"Nothing, just get the hell out of here dude. We are obviously in the middle of something."  River responded in the calmest most scariest voice he could muster. Those voices are the worst.

 "Okay man, I'll be in the room, sorry."  Andrew said looking terrified and confused at the same time. Poor guy. Note to self, don't get River mad.

 River nodded as Andrew started walking off. I gave Andrew an apologetic smile and he smiled back. I mean, how could I be mad at him? He didn't know what we were doing and was probably curious so who could blame him? I mean it's Andrew for crying out loud!

"So, where were we?"  River asked looking deeply into my eyes once again, making my knees go weak.

I forgot I was about to tell him. The special moment is gone and I can't tell him anymore because then it would be awkward. I'm not that confident in telling him anymore. Maybe it was a sign. I wasn't supposed to tell him just yet. The universe is trying to speak to me. I think.

"Oh, nothing I was just saying that I'm glad you and the guys are my friends now. I was wrong about you guys." I said smiling up at him trying to make my lie believable. I hate lying but it had to be done.

"O-oh okay, well I'm glad we are too." River said not looking so convinced. See, I'm a horrible liar, even though I wasn't partially lying, it still felt like it. Why was I cursed with this disease?

"Wait, what do you mean by you were wrong about us?"  River asked raising an eyebrow. "Well y-you see, I used to not like you guys for reasons." I said feeling slightly bad for what I used to think. Queue the awkwardness.

"Tell me what it was." he said looking serious now but I could see the glint in his eyes.

"Nah."  I said smirking, turning away from him. "Tell me" He said turning me back to look at him.  "No." "Please?" I paused. I touched his face with my fingers. Tracing small patterns along his jaw and cheek. He lifted his hand to overlap mine. I smirked. 

I took my hand off his face. "Not today." I said. He seemed slightly irritated. I'm proud of myself. I'm finally a tease! "I'll get it out of you sooner or later, you just wait and see, Princess." He smirked back. 

 "I'm so scared! I better run away now!" I said slightly laughing. I saw him crack a smile too. He knew that was funny.

 "We better get going. I don't want to leave Brandon alone for a long time, even though he's asleep." I said looking back towards the room. I sound like an overprotective mother now.

  River nodded with a small smile. We then started to walk back to the room in comfortable silence. By this point I had completely forgotten about the reason as to why I went outside in the first place.

Once we got back to the room, Aiden was watching TV with Andrew by his side. They didn't even notice we came into the room. What if we were robbers? That makes me question myself about leaving them with Brandon again.

"Wow, some babysitters y'all are. Now I know who to call when I need someone to take care of Brandon." I muttered. River chuckled as he eyed his best friends on the floor.

While River was in the shower I started to watch tv with the guys. They were watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. One of my favorite shows.

 "Soo, why where you crying?" Andrew asked, adverting his eyes from the screen to look at me.

"N-no reason." I said as I looked down.  "You can't cry for no reason, you had to have a reason to cry." Aiden said.

 "Well Brandon was crying. So I started to cry." I said. I mean I would tell them, it would be good to get it off my chest but, I just can't.

"We understand if you don't want to tell us." Andrew said shrugging while looking back at the screen. And that ladies and gentlemen is how I cracked. I told them everything. I'm surprised River hasn't come out of the shower yet. I feel like Gretchen Wieners.

"Wow." Aiden and Andrew said in unison once I finished. "Yeah." I said in between sobs.

 I was on the floor along with the guys while Aiden hugged me. I can't believe I told them. I mean, I trust them but I've never trusted anyone enough to tell them my story.

"You know everybody here has a story not just you. I would tell you mine right now but sadly, River just turned off the water and we don't have enough time."  Andrew said looking at me sympathetically. I felt weak.

"Even River has a story." he added.

River opened the door and Aiden let go of me. I'm surprised that the guys knew what to do in a time like this and where supportive. I really appreciate that.

River smiled at me and then frowned when he saw the tears on my cheeks. "What's wrong?" he asked as he started walking towards me.

"What did you guys do?" he growled at the guys once he got to me. "River, they didn't do anything, they were just helping." I said wiping the tears off my cheeks but was hopeless as they started flowing rapidly down my face once again.

 He nodded while hugged me for a while. He didn't push it anymore.  I was grateful for that. You see, this is what I love about River, he doesn't push things or push me to tell him.

"If you need anything just tell me, okay?" he asked staring deeply into my eyes as he slowly and painfully pulled away. I nodded.

"Well, we have to go to bed now. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." he said getting up, pulling me with him.

 In that moment, I realized that River was in fact, shirtless. I couldn't stop staring at him. He had an eight pack. You read right, an eight pack. Is it getting hot in here? Turn the A/C on. 

River smirked at me when he noticed I was staring at his abs. I quickly looked away although it was too late. Thank god he had on some pants or else I would be dead right now. I can't believe I just checked him out. I need to get myself together. 

I blushed and walked towards my bed. " Goodnight everyone." I said as  I slid into bed, trying to ignore the fact that River was still staring at me, smirking.

"Goodnight." the guys said. They turned off the lights and I couldn't help but think of what Andrew said earlier, 'Even River has a story' I wonder what it is.

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