The adventure begins?!?

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I opened one eye slowly as my alarm clock rang through my room hysterically. I turned it off and yawned as I stretched. It's another beautiful day. 

I got up and began to sing a random song that was stuck in my head. I like starting off my days right. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and go pee. I always feel so much better after going to the bathroom. 

I walked up to my closet and picked out my clothes for today. I decided to go with the vibe I always go for, the comfortable one.

I picked out some blue skinny jeans, a plain white shirt, and a red hoodie. I paired the outfit with my only pair of black converse. 

I looked in the mirror and sighed. Why can't I be beautiful? I shook the thoughts from my head and began to put my hair up in a messy bun. I decided to go an extra mile today and put on a coat of mascara. I put my glasses on, took one last look in the mirror, and headed downstairs. 

Once I made it downstairs, I headed to the kitchen. I walked into the small room and saw my mom sitting on the counter. Great.

My younger brother, Brandon, and I, aren't her favorite people in the world. My dad died in a plane crash about a year ago. She blamed us for his death. She said that if it wasn't for us, he wouldn't of gotten on that plane. She's right.

 Dad was looking for a new job because his old job just wasn't doing the cut anymore. Brandon and I needed clothes and things for school and our parents couldn't afford it. 

He decided to look for another job, and that was the outcome. Mom was forced to get a job and now treats us terribly. I'm okay when she mistreats me, but I never let her treat Brandon the way she treats me, he's too young. 

 Mom now has a drinking problem and I try to send Brandon off with our grandparents as frequently as possible so he won't have to face her. He's there currently and is coming back today. Our grandparents don't know about moms problem, and we want to keep it that way. 

"Good morning mom!" I say to her as I waked into the kitchen. Even though she is rude to me, I try to be nice. She's my mom I can't help it.

"Ugh, what do you want now? Can't you see I'm busy bitch?" She said as she pulled out  bottle of whine from the cabinet. 

I shook my head. "Grandma and Grandpa will drop Brandon off at school. Just letting you know incase you were wondering where he has been for the past few days. I gotta go, love you." I said as I took an apple from the counter and headed out. 

"Thank god, please be gone for as much time as possible. I do not wish to see you." she said waving her hand around. She giggled soon after her statement.

 I stopped in my tracks and almost shed a tear. That stung. I can't let her get to me. I took a deep breath and opened the front door. I grabbed my backpack from the side of the door and stepped outside to breathe in the fresh air. It looks so beautiful today. I began to observe the blue skies, my yard, the flowers, the nice sports car outside my house, the cl-, wait, what?

Crap. I forgot River was going to pick me up today. I don't want him to pick me up. he always stares at me and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I have to find a way out of this. I just have to. By saying yes to him picking me up, I didn't expect him to actually show up. 

I ducked behind some bushes in my yard. I have to think of something. Come on. Maybe I can just hid from him and hope he doesn't see me? It's worth a shot. 

  I got up from the ground and looked around. There is only one way to get out of my street. With just my luck, there is no way I could leave without him seeing me, but that won't stop me. 

The bad boy likes me?!?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن