We have a problem?!?

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Rivers POV


Once I dropped Natalie off, I began to think about her. She's just so beautiful. I never really refer to girls as beautiful. They're always either hot or average. When I first laid my eyes on her, that was the first word that came to mind, beautiful. It suited her. 

She's most definitely not like other girls. For starters, she doesn't throw herself at me. She's nerdy and quiet. She's so cute, with her oversized glasses. I can just talk about her all day, man. 

How can I be so stupid and just stare at her? Especially in class? That was so weird. I bet she thinks I'm some weirdo with problems. I don't know, that might be true because I don't know whats wrong with me. I've never really liked a girl. I always thought about them as sex objects. 

Natalie, even her name is prefect. I asked a girl in our math class what her name was. The girl was more than happy to give it to me, as well as offer me more. On a normal day, I would of taken her offer, but not today. Not when I have my eyes set on Natalie. 

I should probably stop thinking about her, being, she was the only thing I thought about on my way home. I got out of my car and headed into my dads oversized house. He's rich, and I hate him. It's okay, the hatred is mutual. 

 The only reason I don't move out is because I promised my mom. That was the last conversation her and I had before she passed. I promised her to stay close with my father, we're all we have. That went to shit a few months after she died. 

He became a completely different person and partied very often, thats how he met my step mom, Fiona. The 25 year old blonde bimbo, whom kisses up to my dad whenever she wants something expensive. I hate her too. 

The only reason I still stay in this house is because of the promise with mom. Hopefully one day before I move out, he will change. Plus, all of the money in my bank account comes from my mom. She was already rich as well before she married my father. It was in her will to leave all of her money to me. If it doesn't work out with my dad, I'm set for life. 

I opened one of the huge french doors to my lovely home. I'm sure Fiona is home. She always is. Around my father, she is an angel towards me, but behind closed doors, she either tries to throw herself at me, or she treats me like crap because I reject her every time. I mean, who can blame her? I'm irresistible. 

 I walked into the living room. Ew, she's here. 

 "What are you doing here, cutie?" Oh no, she's in one of those moods again. I hate my life. She lifted a leg in attempt to seduce me. It wasn't working. Her leg clearly had fake tan on it. I think she got the tan done before she went to the gym. There were, what looked to be like streams of pale skin in the shape of how sweat looks when it drips down your body. 

I began to laugh at her sad attempt. I pointed at her leg. "I think you need to get that checked out." I said in between laughs, before heading up stairs to my room. I looked behind me before I made it up the stairs just to see her mortified expression as she looked at her leg. It was priceless. 

I closed my door behind me. I laid on my bed and pulled my phone out as I heard it ringing. It was Andrew. "Hey what's up man?" I answered. 

"We have a problem. Garrett wants you. He said if we don't get him the money we owe him, then he will come down here himself and kill all of us. He said you have 1 week to get it. I'm shitting my pants dude, we don't have the money."

This Garrett dude has been wanting money from us for a while now. We accidentally beat up his younger brother. He was some dude that was asking for it. He kept on taunting us. After we finished with the dude we stole his car for fun. It was Aiden's idea. 

The guy ended up walking home and on the way home, got run-over by a car. We didn't intend for that to happen. Don't worry, the guy is still alive, but Garrett still wants money to make up for this mishap. We can't afford it right now because we are saving up to buy a yacht. Plus, why would we pay for the damages? Garett is the leader of a gang. It makes no sense. 

"Calm down, we will get the money some way don't worry, I'll think of something," I said trying to remain calm.

"You better, we don't have that much time," he said, panic clearly heard in his voice. Out of the three of us, Andrew was by far, the biggest wuss. 

"How much is he asking for?" I asked as I sat up on my bed. "$8,000,000" Andrew replied. My eyes went wide. Does this guy also want a yacht? The money he is asking for is ridiculous. 

"What? Where are we going to get that kind of money?"I asked almost yelling into the phone. "We don't have enough time to raise that kind of money. Does he want us to sell girl scout cookies to speed up the process, or what?"

"No shit Sherlock"  Andrew replied.  "Andrew this is no time for games. Ask Garrett if he can give us maybe another week."

"I already tried, he said no" Shit. What will we do now? 

"Oh we are in some shit now." I sighed. "We'll try to figure out something out don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow at school" I added.

"Okay, dude."  Andrew said trying to sound calmer, but we both know he was but the opposite.

"Just go to bed again stop being such a bitch about this, I got this!" I yelled enthusiastically. "Okay, bitch." Andrew said sounding slightly more relieved. He then hung up. How am I going to come up with that money in one week?

 I took a shower and went to bed early. This whole situation has me stressed. I don't know what to do for once in my life. Natalie then popped into my head. She would know what to do. At least, she seems like the type of person that would. I then drifted off into peaceful sleep. 

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