Brandon is coming?!?

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After the encounter we had earlier today, River convinced me that we have to get out of this town if I wanted to live.

Andrew thinks that the reason the guy came after me is because they want to use me as bait to get River and the guys to do something for them, even though they are way earlier than planned. They didn't tell me the rest which I understand sort of. I was never really a nosy person.

 I can't believe I am technically running away with the bad boy. I also can't believe they convinced me to leave with them. Never in a million years would I have even thought about this happening to me, of all people. 

I grabbed a backpack and packed all of my necessities. I only need a few things, I'm sure we won't be gone for long. I scattered throughout my house trying to find things I should bring with me. I've never skipped school so roaming around the house at this time of day on a weekday, seems so new to me. 

After I finally finished packing all of my things, Headed to Brandon's room to pack his necessities as well. Since I'm going, he's going too. There is no way in hell, I'm leaving him here alone with mom. She may forget to feed him or something. I will not chance it. 

Mom wouldn't mind that we're gone. She never cares when we are home anyways. I think it's safe to assume that I can take Brandon with me. 

 I was finally able to pack his things in his tiny Power Rangers backpack. Brandon has an obsession with the show. He will binge watch this show for days if he could. I think I'll let him bring another bag with a few toys. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to deal with him throughout the entire trip. 

 I looked at the small alarm lock my little brother had on his bedside table. It read 2:30 pm. I should start heading out to pick him up. I put on my shoes and began to walk. It doesn't take long to get there, I always enjoy walking. It gives me time to think and admire the beautiful skies.

As I was walking there, I remembered something. Would River mind if I'm taking an extra person? He wouldn't. I mean Brandon is adorable, he would love him. Plus, if he won't let my adorable little brother tag along, they can count me out of their little trip. 

Once I finally made it to the elementary school, I spotted him. There he was, sitting on the side walk chatting up a storm with his small friend. They looked to be having a very serious conversation judging by the way Brandon and his friend looked engrossed in the conversation. I wonder what they could be talking about. 

Brandon looked up and spotted me as I walked towards him. Instantly, a huge smile spread across his small face. He said a brief 'goodbye' to his friend and ran towards me. His light brown hair blew in the wind as he ran. He was too cute. 

"Pop tart, guess what I made?" He yelled, his big brown eyes sparkling as he smiled. I laughed at the adorable nickname he has for me. He randomly made it up one day. Sure, it's a little embarrassing but I don't mind at all, as long as it makes him happy, I'm happy. 

"What did you make, kiddo?" I asked, smiling as he approached me. He had a small frame, the top of his head reached my waist.

 "I made a sunflower for you!" he held out a piece of construction paper with a sunflower painted on it. It was un-proportionate. The pedals were way larger than the stem and you could tell he got a little carried away with the paint he used, judging by the way a few of the pedals seemed too yellow.

 He always makes things for me, I love it. I always make sure to put them up on my wall so he knows, his artwork is appreciated. 

"Thank you, I love it!" I said as I took the piece of paper out of his small hands. "Hey, where's my hug? I haven't seen you in days, bud. " I added after I took another glance of the sunflower.

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