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The mall was so nice and fancy looking. I didn't even want to sit at the bench located next to Victoria's Secret. I was afraid I would break it and end up having to pay one million dollars just for the damages! Oh yeah, it looked that expensive.

With that in mind, I grabbed ahold of Brandon's hand and cautiously followed Noah along with the rest of the boys to a really expensive looking store to buy our outfits for the wedding.

Why does everything have to look so expensive? I would have been okay with going to JcPenney to buy our outfits.

River grabbed ahold of Brandon's hand and handed me six dresses. We've been at this store for about twenty minutes. All I have been doing is looking at the fishes they have at the entrance with Brandon. I named them all Pedro. River and the rest of the boys went to go find tux's, but I guess River didn't.

"I knew you wouldn't look for a dress." River said to me. He knows me so well. I chuckled and went to the dressing room to go try them on.

An hour and thirty dresses later, I still haven't found the right one. They all either make me look fat or they just don't go with my skin tone. The struggle! I was getting ready to give up and just go naked to the wedding until Andrew brought me the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It was red which was a bit risky but, I liked it. It had a floral sequence and had a few sparkles here and there.

As soon as I put on the dress, I fell in love with it. It fit me to about mid-thigh and was puffy towards the bottom. I walked out of the dressing room and everybody's eyes shot up towards me. Rivers mouth flew open and Brandon smiled. "Pop tart, you look stunning." Brandon said as he came up and hugged me. I hugged him back. "Thanks, my little bundle of joy" I said back chuckling.

"You look gorgeous" River said as he admired me with his hands in his pockets. It made me blush. "Thank you" I said smiling as I looked towards the ground. I looked up and noticed everyone was still staring. "Well, I guess this is the one" I said as I walked back into the dressing room to take it off and purchase it.

As I walked out of the dressing room, everybody had their tuxedos in hand and were ready to go. Even Brandon. Did I really take that long? The joys of being a girl! Haha no.

We walked up to the register and Noah paid for all of our outfits. I feel bad for having him pay. But hey, he offered.

Next, we walked into a shoe store. It was just as expensive looking as the last store we were in. Oh Lord, why do the stores have to be like this? I feel so out of place.

A man with a suit approached us and helped us with choosing our shoes. It was pretty difficult because Brandon is so picky when it comes to shoes. It took us about an hour and a half just to find him the right shoes. They were all too ugly for him or uncomfortable. Boys.

I ended up buying some red pumps to go with my dress. I hate heels but, I was forced into it. River, Andrew and Aiden went with some classic shoes that went with their black tuxedos.

Once we exited the store, I thought I was finally free and we were going to go home. I was so wrong. We started to head towards the one, the only, Victoria's Secret. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "You need some new underwear, and a bra." River said. "Remember the incident?" He asked smiling. My eyes went wide remembering that I am still indeed, wearing the same stained underwear. I immediately felt disgusted by myself.

We headed towards the thong section and I immediately felt victimized. I crossed my arms. "I don't wear thongs. Not all girls wear thongs!" I said. The boys looked at me and began walking towards the regular underwear. 

I looked around and of course, go figure, most girls in the store were looking at the guys with hungry eyes. It's getting really annoying. I rolled my eyes and followed the guys. 

A few minutes later, we exited the store and I was now a proud owner of three pairs of underwear and a bra. I didn't want to buy more because Noah was once again the one who paid for my stuff.  

As we exited the mall I was more than relieved... and exhausted. We all piled into the car once again and headed off. As we were exiting the parking lot, I remembered something. I need some more tampons. My one box is almost empty. It's time to face your fears Natalie it's now or never! I've gone through it once, I can go through it again. 

I cleared my throat "Noah" I said "Yes?" He answered back as he turned down the music in the car. "Do you mind stopping by Target? I need some stuff." I said looking around. "What kind of stuff?" he asked back. Why does he have to make this harder than it already is? Just accept my damn request man.

"Feminine products" I said awkwardly. River busted out laughing along with everybody else. I looked at them confused. "What?" I asked them as soon as they calmed down. "You're so awkward about it. Just say what you need and it'll be fine." River said. I shook my head. 

As we arrived at target Brandon and I ran to the women's 'feminine products' isle and grabbed two boxes of tampons, just incase. It'll have to do. Next I went to the boys isle and got Brandon a 24 pack of power rangers under wear. He had needs too. It was only $5 anyways. 

Once we were done we went and found the boys. I was passing by the cookie isle trying to find the boys when I saw River talking to a girl. She was so pretty. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was tall and skinny. She looked like a model. I scooted back and hid behind the isle along with Brandon and signaled him to stay quiet. He nodded and looked at River with me.

The girl was giggling and messing with the ends of her hair. She is not flirting with my River. I looked down at Brandon and he looked up at me with a worried expression. I looked towards River and noticed she was stroking Rivers cheek. She began messing with his hair while laughing. 

Where did she even come from? How could they just be talking out of nowhere? What's going on? All of these questions ran through my head.

I began to cry as I walked way. I looked back and realized I left Brandon and then noticed that he was now standing next to Aiden. I had to be alone so I went to the book section. They would never find me here. How could he do this to me? I wondered as tears finally rolled down my cheeks. You don't know the full story yet Natalie, don't just assume things. My mind kept on telling me. It's too hard to not assume things.

Why is my life the way it is? Why can't I just be happy for once? I hate this. All I want is to be happy is that too much to ask for?

"Excuse me ma'am, are you okay?" I heard a deep British accent ask. I looked up and saw a very attractive looking guy. He had the most amazing brown eyes and had brown messy short hair. He looked pretty muscular but not too muscular. He was wearing a grey shirt with some khaki shorts and some vans. He was the definition of yum. What am I saying?

"Yes, I'm okay" I said giving him a reassuring smile. "You know, I don't like it when people lie to me. Judging by the fact that you are crying your pretty little heart out, you are not okay." I sighed and nodded. "Now tell me what's a beautiful girl like you doing crying at target in the book isle alone, out of all places to cry?" He asked as he sat next to me. "I don't know" I said as I looked around. "You have to know the reason as to why you are crying." He said smiling at me.

"Natalie." I heard my name being called. I looked up and saw River with the angriest expression I've ever seen.

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