Chapter 32

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Loriana POV

"Stop trying to feed me those nasty shits." I whined, pushing Dre's hand away from me. He keeps trying to get me to eat some of his gummy bears and I hate gummy bears.

"You over dramatic girl. They won't kill you." He laughed.

"I just don't like them. They make me sick."

"You'll be just fine. How's your wound feeling?" He asked, gently touching where I was shot.

"It's fine. The pain killers they gave me work very well." I said.

"Be careful with those pills. They can get really addicting" he warned.

"I'm not crazy boy." I chuckled and put some sour patch in my mouth. "Tell me something about you that I don't know."

"Ok. Uhm..." he thought for a second. "I have a business degree." He said and I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"A business degree? That's so cool. What type of business degree?" I asked, now more interested in his previous college life.

"I double majored in marketing and entrepreneurship. I did good as hell in school, graduated with honors, deans list, and a 3.8 gpa." He said, then glanced down at the ground.

"Why you looking upset about that? That's great!" I pushed his shoulder slightly.

"I know, but I just have that unsatisfied feeling. Like I only went and got my four year degree and that was almost 2 years ago. I should be doing something different than just pushing drugs from coast to coast." He explained to me.

"I understand. I was gonna ask why you're still doing this whole drug shit when you have a whole degree." I said. It doesn't make sense to me because he's too smart.

"I would need to go for my masters before I can do anything and to do that, I need job experience. I don't even know where to start with that shit. Plus, I'm the main person that be helping the Org when it comes to for real business, so I don't want to just leave them hanging." He said.

"I think Anthony will understand. Shit, he has degrees too, so he can do business himself. I think that you should really look for some type of internship or job in your field and get that experience to go get your MBA." I suggested.

"I'll look into it Lori. Thanks for the advice." He smirked.

"No problem. I'm still shocked that you're a genius. You don't come off as the genius type. I'm gonna be very stereotypical for a second, but with the tattoos and your accent, you really sound like a nigga just from around the way." I laughed.

"Well, I am a hood nigga," he chuckled. "My momma ain't raise a fool. I would run them streets like nobodies business when I was a kid but you better believe that I brought home them A report cards or else that was my ass." He said and we both shared a laugh.

"Your mom sounds like a no nonsense woman." I said.

"Shit, she sure as hell wasn't. She use to hand out them ass whoppings like it was nobodies business. I use to get the most out of all my siblings because I was a fighter. I always fought at school and that got me in lots of trouble."

"I believe it, with your aggressive ass." I joked.

"Hey, I don't fight unless necessary now. I know self control."

"Yeah, you're pretty mellow." I nodded. "What about your dad?" I asked. He doesn't really talk about him.

"He's here. He's always been in my life which I'm grateful for. He is really someone I look up too. He wasn't the dad that paved my pathway through life for me. One day he sat me down and told me that he's not gonna tell me what I'm doing is right or wrong, he's just going to let me make my own mistakes and let me learn from them. That's my homie for real. We're hella close." He smiled when talking about his dad.

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