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Future Diary (Mirai Nikki)

The Unlucky Thirteenth

Thirteenth--Feel The Same

By her bed, a folding chair made for a cold, uncomfortable seat in the summer haze. The metal creaked when it pushed closer to the mattress, the parts of the chair squeaking painfully. The hinges screeched their complaint to whoever moved the contraption, causing a grimace to cross the face of said person. The noise echoed loudly in the room; and the person moving the chair clapped hands to ears briefly before letting the chair quickly unfold.

Views from the space had already been recommended, but the actual window was high quality. The window glass stained the room a pristine, bright color, filled with abundant yellow light even in the early morning. One could see the sunrise without having to search, due to the wide window and lofty view on the third floor of the building.

This brought the dreariness of the blank, grey room to a bit more color and brightness despite being a bland space, a blank canvas never changing. The girl lying in the bed remained asleep under the simple white covers despite the early hour light, despite the start of school a few minutes ago.

It had been at most four days since he had attended school; it had been two and a half days since she had closed her eyes and had not woken up. There, next to the bed beside her prone, bite-riddled form, sat a boy with a bright blue jacket the staff had returned to him the day before. The material had been washed clean of bloodstains, but stains in a jacket seemed a better price to pay than an unconscious girl in a hospital bed beside him.

There, in a hospital room bleached of its color and the sterile smell of chemicals on the air, sat Aru Akise. He held a coffee cup in his right hand and his phone in his left. The white-haired boy had gotten here at the earliest possible time that morning, and even he did not know exactly why.

Nishijima was due to be there in half an hour, and Akise didn't want to fall asleep in the chair on the day Amaya was projected to wake up. He wanted to be there, much to the dismay of his conflicted feelings over the black-haired girl.

Twisted emotions roiled inside of his mind; half of his brain begged him to grab his things and leave the hospital behind, to return to school and forget about the dark-haired girl here in the bed. His brain told him to return to school and ignore her like she never existed, to go back to Amano and never speak to Amaya again.

The larger part of his brain told him to deny his feelings for her; that they were wrong and shouldn't be acknowledged. Akise couldn't tell which side of his mind was right, or even why he felt so conflicted. His entire life he had been gay; boys were the only people that caught his eye romantically.

Why did this feel so right when he knew it should feel so wrong?

Here he sat, bitter coffee in hand and his phone out. Here he sat, skipping school to stay by her side even though she wouldn't know it. What was he doing?

Akise tipped his head back as he drank from the cup, grimacing at the taste. Hospitals always had terrible coffee, even when he had no side order to mess it up. The boy cringed and swallowed, eyes drifting from his phone screen to Amaya's pale, sleeping face. Gauze and bandages wrapped almost the entirety of her arms; medical tape secured the dressings so they would hopefully heal properly.

Most of this was his fault. He should have been more focused on protecting his friends instead of the feeling of Yukiteru's hand in his own. It didn't seem worth it right now--hadn't even that night when he saw what his carelessness had done to Amaya.

He had gotten her mixed up in the Tenth situation, in the dog situation, in the Second–First battle combo thing situation, and he had probably ended up getting her involved in the Future Diary situation.

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