Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: Sadly Tsukiuta isn't mine and probably never will be... T-T

"Normal speeches like this are words spoken out loud."

Italicised speeches like this are thoughts.

(She is wearing the same clothes from the prologue)

(She is wearing the same clothes from the prologue)

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Anyway, moving on to the story~

Kanon's POV

Tsukishiro-san, Kurotsuki and I arrived at the production dorms by car.

"Arigatougozaimasu Tsukishiro-san, Kurotsuki-san," I said.

"No problem. Would you like to go up to where everyone in Six Gravity and Procellarum is? At this time they will probably be at level 3 together since today is work-free day for them."

I leaned my chin on my knuckles and thought for a moment.

"Maybe a bit later. I'd like to put down my things in my room first. What level is my room on?" I replied.

Tsukishiro-san replied, "Your room is on level 4, and it's the third room from the elevator. Kurotsuki and I will be going back to the office. If you need anything you can ask anyone here."

I bowed slightly and gave my thanks and walked straight to the elevator. DING! The doors opened and I walked into the elevator. I pressed the button that says L4, and the doors closed. Once it reached level 4, the elevator stopped and the doors slid open automatically. I stepped out the elevator rolling my luggage behind me.

"Wow. As expected of Tsukino Talent Productions. Even the dorms look nice inside and out."

I walked past two rooms and stopped in front of the third room. I stood outside the room and placed my hand on the door handle. I pushed it down to open the door and looked around the room. Woah! What a nice room! Before I got distracted, I put down my luggage in the room and walked out the door, back to the elevators. I pressed the button with the arrow pointing downwards, and the elevator arrived. DING!

The doors slid open and I walked in. This time, I pressed the button that says L3.

3rd POV

A bit later~

Hajime walked in the room where all members of Six Gravity and Procellarum were. Today just happened to be a free day for everyone. Suddenly, Hajime's phone rang. BRINGG!

He answered his phone, "Moshi moshi? Mutsuki Hajime desu."

"Hey! Hajime? Ohisa! It's me, Kanon."

"Kanon?" he said, surprised, "Weren't you in America?"

Everyone's attention was brought to Hajime at this name, as well as his fellow leader, Shimotsuki Shun, obviously, because it was a girl's name that he said out loud.

Who is Kanon? everyone wondered.

While everyone wondered who this Kanon girl is, Haru walked up to Hajime and listened to his conversation.

"Just came back actually!"

"Sou ka. Where are you right now?"

"Me? I'm at-"

"Kanon! Is that you? Did you just come back from America?" Haru asked, sounding and looking excited.

"Ah! Haru-nii! Is that you there? Ohisashiburi! Oh and by the way, I'm actually behind you right now."

Kanon's POV

"-behind you right now," I said, moving the phone away from my ear to end the call. I watched both of them turn around, hearing my voice behind them.

"Halo! It's me, Kanon!" I announced. I ran to the two of them and gave them a group hug, "Long time no see!"

"Kanon? Is that really you? You're not a ghost or anything right? You're really Kanon?" Haru asked.

"Obviously! I've got feet so I'm pretty sure I'm not a ghost. YES IT'S ME," I replied to Haru.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw someone with white hair walk up to us. He spoke up and asked me, "Nee kimi. Who are you?"

I turned to him and took a quick look around the whole room and the curious stares. I gave a quick, mischievous grin (that I hope no one saw) before I changed it into a smile, and then hugged Hajime as I replied.

"Me? I'm Hajime's girlfriend."

Everyone blinked once, and screamed, some louder, others softer.


I grinned and gave a peace sign with my right hand when I slid off Hajime's back.  

~Author's Note~
Hey! Chapter 1 published!~ Yay! This is actually great achievement for me cuz I always have these ideas in my head but I never gather enough courage to put any of them into words.

FYI updates will be random, but hopefully I'll finish this before February or March of next year. For the time being, since it's summer holiday for me right now, there will be a good flow of updates.

Btw, does anyone know what level do they actually meet up together?? I just put in level 3 but I don't know what level they actually meet up. Plz tell me if you know!

Also, if you have any questions, you can comment in the chapter that you have a question on, on PM me, ok!~ 

If there's any grammar mistakes, plz tell me so I can fix them ok?


colourless-sky1819 out!~

Publish date: 24/12/16

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