Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I don't own Tsukiuta, the songs or the characters in it. I don't own the pictures I use either. I only own this story itself and my OC, Mutsuki Kanon.

"Normal speeches like this are spoken out loud."

Italicised speeches like this are thoughts.

Above (Mizuki Nana - Bright Stream) is just a song you can listen to. ^_^

Moving on to the story~

This is what she's wearing in this chapter (like always, don't mind the person):

This is what she's wearing in this chapter (like always, don't mind the person):

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Kanon's POV

"Tsukiuta Radio, otherwise known as Tsukiradi is about to begin!" Ikkun and Rui-kun said together.

"Hello to new and returning listeners! I'm Kannazuki Iku, from Procellarum."

"I'm Minazuki Rui, from Procellarum. Thanks for listening."

"This is Tsukiuta Radio, a live radio show hosted by Rui and me. We're starting this week's show now! Our guests are these two-- "

"Hello, my name is Mutsuki Hajime, from Six Gravity. Thank you for having me today."

"Halo! It's me, Kanon! Thank you all for having me today!"

"Well then, why don't we move onto the first segment, Rui?"

"Ok, let's go."

"Jaa, we have many different emails from fans who have heard that you two will be here with us today," Ikkun started off, "So here's the first question- !"


"And here's our last question for today from 'Mukki Risa'. 'I noticed that Hajime-sama and Kanon-sama seem to be really close on TV and you also don't use honorifics for each other. Are you two together?' so or they asked," Rui-kun read out.

Ikkun said, "Interesting question. One we already know the answer to, but we'll hear it from Hajime-san and Kanon-san."

"Ehh." I pouted. "Jaa~ do you want to say it or me?" I asked nii-san.

Nii-san just went straight to it ignoring me. "No, Kanon and I are not together."

"Yup! He's my older sibling. Right, nii-san?" I said, hugging his arm.


"Does that answer any other questions that fans have about Kanon-san and Hajime-san's relationship? Then let's move onto the next segment!"

"Next segment," Rui-kun said, lifting his arm.


I walked out and stretched my arms. "Ah~ I'm so tired. I want to hurry up and go back to sleep."

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