Chapter 18

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Disclaimer: I don't own Tsukiuta, the songs or the characters in it, nor do I own the pictures and songs I use. I don't own Haikyuu!! either. I only own this story itself and my OC, Mutsuki Kanon.

Above is just a random song to listen to

"Normal​ ​speeches​ ​like​ ​this​ ​are​ ​spoken​ ​out​ ​loud."

Italicised​ ​speeches​ ​like​ ​this​ ​are​ ​thoughts.

This is what she's wearing in this chapter (without the pink shirt underneath):

This is what she's wearing in this chapter (without the pink shirt underneath):

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3rd POV

Just a few minutes earlier in the gym of Shinzen High School~

At one end of the gym, the phone in someone's pocket was vibrating. This certain old man was a coach of a certain team of cats. (AN: a brownie point to whoever knows who I'm talking about!)

He slid out his phone and read who it was from. Eyes lightening up, he picked up the phone, spoke for a minute or two before hanging up. He then told the younger man to go to the car park to pick something up.

Obliging, the younger man excused himself and walked out.

Back to where Kanon is~

Kanon's POV

I stepped out the van with Luna in my arms and took a deep breath.

The air seems much cleaner here, I noted.

I kneeled down and let Luna onto the ground to stretch and turned walked around near the van, looking for my grandfather's helper/co-coach (if that is a word), who, by the way, is called Manabu Naoi. He was within my line of sight soon enough.

"It's been a while, Manabu-san! We've have got the drinks here in the van. Where do they go?" I asked him with a smile.

"I'll help you and take you there at the same time," he replied with a smile also.

"Thanks! It'll help a lot!" I said.

I then turned to walk to the back of the van with Manabu-san, and Luna trailing next to me, behind to help Tai-san carry the drinks, which, by the way, are in large mason jars. There were quite a few, as there had to be enough for probably more than fifty people.

I don't know how to explain it, but they look like this (I know this kind of stuff doesn't normally happen, but for the sake of this fanfic, it's normal):

I don't know how to explain it, but they look like this (I know this kind of stuff doesn't normally happen, but for the sake of this fanfic, it's normal):

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