Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: I don't own Tsukiuta, the songs or the characters in it, nor do I own the pictures and songs I use. I only own this story itself and my OC, Mutsuki Kanon.

"Normal​ ​speeches​ ​like​ ​this​ ​are​ ​spoken​ ​out​ ​loud."

Italicised​ ​speeches​ ​like​ ​this​ ​are​ ​thoughts.

This is what she's wearing at the beginning of this chapter (+black jeans):

This is what she's wearing at the beginning of this chapter (+black jeans):

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Kanon's POV

I yawned as I walked through Gravi and Procella's corridors to the dining room, as I usually ate together with everyone in Gravi and Procella on their floor. On the way, I saw Yoru who had his eyes closed and seemingly thinking about something. I was a few metres away when he noticed me.

"Good morning, Kanon," he said.

I stopped near him. I wondered for a moment why he didn't add any honorifics in my name until I remembered.

Flashback from a few days earlier~

We, as in Yoru-kun, You-kun, Arata-kun and Aoi-kun were on the way back home in the evening. Yoru & You-kun, Arata-kun & Aoi-kun and I had bumped into each other, not literally, because we coincidently were at locations that were near each other so we decided to walk home together.

We had been talking for a while as we were walking leisurely home, tired from the day's jobs. We were talking all the way to the elevator of the dorm.

We had just entered the elevator when I realised something.

"You know, you can all drop the '-chan' in my name and just call me 'Kanon'. In return, I'll just call you: 'You', 'Arata' and 'Aoi' since I already call Yoru, Yoru" I said, pointing at each of them.

"Ok," they said, almost simultaneously.

Flashback end~

I stayed silent for a few seconds before I replied.

"'Morning, Yoru," I replied, still feeling drowsy.

He chuckled at me. "Still feeling sleepy, huh," he asked, almost rhetorically.

Sleepily, I nodded.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked curiously, still tired.

He gave a moment thinking before replying. "I was thinking about the drama."

I gave a closed eye smile. "The one where you're the hero and I'm the heroine, right? Something wrong? A problem?" I asked.

He gave a mysterious smile and shook his head. "No, not at all. Just reminiscing about when You and I were younger."

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