chapter 15

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Ariana's p.o.v

" Gray I've heard that story a thousand times" Ethan Huffs rolling his eyes. As Grayson tries to tell a story about a fan.

" What's the time"? Grayson asks yawning.
" 11:03" Ethan laughs.
" Alright I'm going to bed night" Grayson yawns walking out into his room.
" Are you going to bed"? Ethan asks.
" I don't know I'm not really tired but I just have to do something I'll be right back" I smile. Ethan smiles back and I stand up and walk out onto the balcony.

I find a pole that I climb up and I sit on the roof. I grab my phone out and check the time as I sit down. It reads 11:11. I close my eyes and make a wish

' I wish to see Joey one last time'

Joeys p.o.v

I lay on my bed checking the time.
'11:11'i close my eyes and make a wish.

' I wish to see Ariana one last time'

Ariana's p.o.v

I then take a big breath in and out. I knew it wouldn't be easy to say goodbye to Joey. I then hear some one climbing up the pole and walking over to me. I look up to see Ethan.

" Hey is it okay if I sit here" Ethan smiles.
" Yeah eth of coarse" I smile.
" so what are you doing up here" Ethan smiles as he sits next to me.
" making a wish" I giggle.
" I'm glad your my sister Ari" Ethan smiles.
" I'm glad your my brother" I smile hugging Ethan.

" So this Joey kid, I saw him on" Ethan laughs.
" Yeah... I just want to forget about him" I frown.
" No you don't... And that's okay" Ethan smiles.
We then hear a window open and Grayson jumps out the window and runs off.

" Haha that little idiot" Ethan laughs.
" where is he going" I laugh.
" probably to Nate's house, he's having a party" Ethan smiles looking up at the stars.

" Grayson getting his wisdom teeth out was hilarious" I laugh.
" haha yeah he was pretty funny" Ethan laughs.
" so what are we doing tomorrow"? I ask.
" I'm not sure" Ethan smiles.
" you know Ariana you're probably the most strongest person I know" Ethan smiles.
" huh"? I laugh.
" You are very passionate about life" he smiles again.
" Well they do say you only live once" I laugh.

" I'm going to go to bed, if you need anything my bedroom is right next to yours" Ethan smiles walking down from the wall.

A tear dribbles down my face. I wasn't strong.

I plug in my ear phones and turn on spotify. I then play This Town by Nial . I lie down on the cold metal roof and I look up at the stars. My Jo Jo, my sweet sweet Joey. How I will ever so miss you.

A stream of tears come from each eye.

I then drift off to sleep.

" Ariana. Pssst" I wake up to Ethan nealing down next to me.
" Oh shit... Did I fall asleep on the frickin roof" I laugh.
" Yeah you did,  now let's get you down from here and we can decide what we will do today" Ethan smiles helping me off the roof.

We then walk into the kitchen.

" where's your mom and my dad"? I ask.
" they work almost all the time" Ethan says pouring a bowl of ceral.
" oh okay" I smile grabbing an apple.

" where's Gray"? I laugh.
" here's the thing about Gray... He's hardly ever here" Ethan laughs.
" So what do we do today"? I ask.
" We can walk in the Neighbourhood"? Ethan asks.
" Can we skate"? I ask as my eyes light up.
" You skate"? Ethan smiles.
" yeah"! I smile.
" let's goooo"! Ethan laughs.

He hands me a skateboard and we begin just skating threw the neighbourhood.

" Soooo.. " Ethan laughs.
" soooooo" I laugh back.
" I think you should meet someone,  he lives just down here" Ethan smiles racing me to a cream coloured house.

Ethan then walks up to the door and knocks. A tall boy comes out.

Again it wasn't just a boy.... I knew him and he knew me......

Complicated- Joey Birlem Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora