Chapter 7

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Hours Later

The rest of the team had arrived soon after I had, and were now in bed, sleeping peacefully no doubt. A spark of anger ran through me as I thought about Beast Boy before it was snuffed out again.

‘No emotion Raven.’

I changed into my white cloak and toga that were traditional in Azarath before grabbing my letters and leaving my room. I left my hood down for once- so I could appreciate my home for the last time.

I arrived first at Starfire’s room and slipped her note under the door.

Dear Starfire,

I’m sorry; so, so sorry. I’m sorry that I never told you how much your friendship meant to me. Your ‘girl talks’ and your unbiased opinions helped me to no ends- and I am grateful.

I have to say this simply, you will never see me again.

Please, never change. Never lose your alien innocence; it’s one of your best features.

I’ve always considered you my best friend, and my sister.

P.S. Go for Robin- take your chance before it flies away. A kiss should work.



A ghost of a smile appeared on my lips, as I thought about her crush on Robin- and his crush on her. They were both so blind to each other. A tear dripped down my cheek as I turned away from her door and continued to Cyborg’s door.

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