Chapter 9

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Please don’t be mad Robin.

This is my resignation letter. I resign. I can’t stay any longer with the whole Beast subject. You obviously understand what happened- and my emotions cannot and will not be able to stand being around Beast Boy every day. I love him- but… he doesn’t love me. Please Robin, please don’t blame him. Beast claimed me- not him, Beast loves me- not him; and staying would be selfish on my part. Don’t let him feel responsibility for my decision to leave. Think of this as my final wish to you.


Thank you for everything Robin. Thank you for understanding, caring and saving me. You went to hell and back for me; you didn’t even judge me when I almost ended the world. How you could find the good in a half-demon? I have no idea. Your leadership and friendship will be sorely missed.

But you will never see me again. I’m sorry.

P.S. Make a move on Starfire- for God’s sake Robin!



I tapped the keypad at Robin’s door, slipping into the dark room. I placed the letter on Robin’s bedside table, with my communicator on top.

“I’m sorry Robin.” I whispered before slipping out again and the door closing behind me.

I came to a sudden halt at the last door.

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