Chapter Five

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My hair and makeup had been properly fixed and my clothes changed after dropping by my dorm on the way to Hyland's. Call it vanity, but I wanted to look good for him when he arrived. I was looking forward to spending the evening cuddled in his arms.

I'd let myself into his apartment and was surprised by what I found. There were fresh red rose petals scattered through the apartment, from the front door to the small dining table. More petals were scattered around several unlit candles of all shapes and sizes grouped together on the tablecloth. A silver tray held an ice bucket with a bottle of sparkling cider chilling inside, and two crystal wine glasses sitting next to it.

I noticed a folded piece of paper on the table with my name on it. I picked it up, wondering if I should read it now or wait until he got home. My curiosity got the better of me, and I peeked at it, recognizing his handwriting immediately.

"Cami, I love you more that you'll ever know. Thanks for being part of my life. Hyland."

I smiled as I replaced the note and glanced around, noticing more candles on other surfaces around the living room. There were several movies laying out on the coffee table, all romantic comedies from the looks of it. I laughed to myself. He'd certainly pulled out all the stops. I loved that he'd gone through all this trouble to create a special evening for the two of us. He made me feel things I'd never felt before.

Every time I'd glance up and see him staring at me, my stomach would do little flip flops of excitement. I couldn't believe he'd chosen me.

Remembering the plastic bag I had in my hand, I made my way into the hall and opened the folding closet doors that hid the washer and dryer. I emptied our wet clothes from the pool into the washer and gathered more dirty clothes from his hamper in the bathroom to complete the load. I added the detergent and started it, closing the cupboard and wondering what to do next.

The rest of the apartment, which I now knew was decorated in the same tastes of his bedroom at his parent's house, looked pretty clean. I was sure he'd straightened everything up for tonight. Having missed dinner with his family, though, I was hungry, so I went into the small kitchen to search for some food.

There was a delicious looking strawberry cheesecake in the refrigerator, and I was positive it was a dessert he planned on sharing with me later. He knew strawberries were one of my favorite things. I sighed, biting my lip as I smiled. I loved him.

A short time later, I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a small plate and was curled up on the couch with a book. I needed to occupy my mind with something besides checking the clock every thirty seconds to see how much time had passed.

About thirty minutes later, I was a few chapters into my novel when I heard a knock at the door. My pulse rate instantly shot up. I briefly wondered who could be here until I spied Hyland's keys lying on the table. I forgot I had them.

I set my book down on the coffee table and stood, self-consciously running my hands over myself to smooth my clothes and check for crumbs. I silently cursed myself for not bringing my toothbrush with me. I was sure I had peanut butter breath now. I hurried to my purse and grabbed a mint before going to the door and opening it.

"Hey, Cami. You look nice tonight," Blake drawled as he glanced over me, a knowing grin which revealed the cute dimples in his cheeks, plastered across his face.

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