Chapter Nine

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My life is a mess. Could things be any worse than they were right at this moment? I was currently sprawled out in a recliner in my fake house. Mary sat on my lap, nuzzling my neck, and I attempted to appear into what she was doing while resisting the urge to drag Jason off the couch, away from Cami, and beat him to a pulp.

Cami was having a hard time keeping her eyes from wandering over the display of affection Mary was putting on, but Jason was doing his damnedest to divert her attention with small strokes and touches while he talked to her. I thought my head was going to explode. Where in the hell was Chris?

As if on cue, the door burst open and Chris stumbled in. While I was relieved to see him, I had to work hard not to laugh at his appearance. Gone was the well-dressed police officer I was used to, and a red nosed, sniffling, drunk guy stood in his place.

"You're home late," I said, staring at him with disgust.

He gave a loopy, lopsided grin and banged the door shut behind him. "I ssstopped sssomewhere for a bit of... refreshment after work."

"I can see that," I replied, gently pushing Mary off my lap. She settled back into the chair behind me. I folded my arms, facing Chris with a determined expression. "Don't you think it's a bit early in the week to be doing this? You've got to work tomorrow, and you barely started this job. I don't think you should be blowing it already. We can't live on my savings forever."

Chris waved his hand at me in dismissal. "I don't wanna talk bout this right now." He stumbled across the room, pausing to stare toward the couch with a grin. "That my pretty baby sisster? hug for your big bro, Cami?"

Cami stood and smiled as she walked toward him. "I'm always happy to see you, Chris."

He grabbed her in a big bear hug, and she wrinkled her nose in distaste, pushing away from him.

"Ugh, you've been drinking a lot."

Chris frowned as he released her. "It's not as bad as it ssseems. I spilled ssome on my shirt." He went over and dropped down on the couch, right next to Jason, leaving the only seat for Cami on the other side of him. I loved how quickly he'd read the situation. I wanted to hug him too.

I made a big show of sighing loudly, turning to Mary. "Be back in a minute, baby. I need to go get some coffee for Chris."

I needed to get Cami out of here, but I wasn't sure how to safely execute her departure. Jason seemed really into her, and I didn't want him to follow her home.

"Coffee ready?" Chris said, staggering into the kitchen after me. "What's the plan?" He whispered as he banged some of the kitchen cupboards looking for a mug.

"We need to get her out of here, but I'm afraid he'll follow her."

"I think you're right. Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

"How?" I glanced at him before pouring the coffee into the mug.

He winked, "Trust me. You'll like my plan."

I took the cup and grabbed him by the elbow so I could shuttle him into the other room. "Come on, bro. Let's get you set back down and pour some of this coffee into you—see if we can sober you up again."

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