Chapter Six

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I bit my lip for a second, my heart pounding as I scanned down the list on the auditorium door. I paused when I got to my name and let out a tiny squeal. Quickly pulling my phone from my pocket, I tapped out my message to DeAndre.

Hyland👫🌍💍: I GOT THE SOLO

I hit send before the wind was suddenly sucked out of my sails. I had DeAndre's phone. Not him. There was no way for me to even get a message to him. This was the second time I'd done this today. I felt stupid. He was going to get his phone back and there was going to be a bunch of outdated messages from me on it. I couldn't help it. He was always the first one I shared things with. It almost felt like he'd died or something–disappearing from my life the way he had. I was having a difficult time adjusting.

Giving a dejected sigh, I turned and started walking toward the parking lot where I'd left the Camaro. I stared at the sidewalk, lost in my own pity party.

"Why so glum, chum?" Blake's voice interrupted my gloomy thoughts. He draped an arm around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze.

I glanced up and gave him a small smile. "Nothing really. I'm just being a baby."

"Missing our boy?" He asked, his voice full of concern.

I nodded and sighed. "I keep trying to text him things before I remember he won't get it. It's weird to have him completely disappear from my life. He was there one second, and then he wasn't. It makes me feel like he's dead. I don't like it."

"You aren't being a baby. You miss him. It's natural. If it makes you feel any better, I started to send him a text today too."

"Really? That does make me feel better. It's nice to know I'm not the only one."

"Yeah, well, I'm sure it's harder for you. It's not like I want his tongue down my throat or him groping me the way you do."

I scoffed and shoved him away from me. He laughed and fell back into step beside me.

"Will it help if you tell me whatever you need to tell him? Unless it's that gushy love stuff you two are always spouting off to each other. I don't need to hear any more of that." He scrunched his face and made a shiver suggesting he was totally grossed out.

"It was some news I had, and we aren't that bad!"

He raised his eyebrow in shock. "Excuse me, but I beg to differ. I practically need a mind wipe after spending any time with you two. It's almost like watching porn or something."

I slapped his arm. "Whatever! We are not like that!"

"DeAndre, I love you," he said in a high-pitched voice. "You're my world, Cami," he mimicked in an overly deep tone before he wrapped his arms around himself and started making moaning and kissing sounds.

I couldn't stop the laughter. "We don't even do that!"

"Note to self: Videotape Cami and Hyland the next time they're together for proof and blackmailing purposes."

I shook my head. "You're such an idiot. You can leave now."

He draped his arm around me. "Sorry, I can't. I've given my word to be your personal idiot until DeAndre rematerializes into the land of the living. I'm all yours, Cami—your own personal beck and call boy. Now tell me this news. Is it good or bad?"

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