Chapter Eleven

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I slid the framed photo of DeAndre and me embracing into the drawer. Glancing around my room, I felt satisfied I'd removed any mementos that might not support our new supposed relationship. I hated putting those things away, but I needed to do as Chris had asked.

There was a knock on the door, and I was surprised to find Blake on the other side.

"Where were you last night?" He asked, looking worried. "I tried calling you, but I never got an answer."

"Sorry," I apologized. "I didn't always have my phone with me. Last night was a little crazy. DeAndre called me to meet him, and things got a bit weird when the guy he's tailing showed up."

"Woah. That's kind of scary. Did it blow his cover?"

I gestured for him to enter and closed the door behind him. "No, thankfully. But now I'm officially his 'foster sister'." I made quotation signals in the air. "He's hoping I won't have to be involved anymore, but the police gave me a new identity anyway—just in case."

Blake grinned. "So you're undercover now too? That's so cool. I wanna help."

I laughed. "It's nothing as glamorous as all that. They needed to make me fit into their story is all. DeAndre seemed really worried that Jason was into me, though. He's convinced he's going to start following me around. They had to work at getting me out of there this morning without him seeing. Chris ended up driving me to DeAndre's car on his way to work, while DeAndre kept Jason occupied."

"His name is Jason?"

"Yeah. It was pretty strange to talk to him. I mean, yes, I could tell he was a total player, and at moments he had his tough edge about him, but he was nice too. He was pretty easy to talk to. It's hard to imagine he could be involved in something bad, or might even be a killer."

"I can see why DeAndre doesn't want you around him if that's the case."

"He wasn't thrilled about it."

"I thought he wasn't supposed to contact any of his family and friends while this investigation was ongoing."

I sighed and pulled a chair out from my desk for him. "He wasn't. He broke the rules, and I let him."

He sat down. "And now he's kicking himself for it, I bet."

"You got that right."

"Well, I guess I'll have to keep a better eye on you then. Gotta make sure you're safe. I don't want DeAndre coming after me if I don't protect you like he expects."

"You don't need to babysit me," I said laughing. "I'm a big girl, and I can take care of myself, regardless of what DeAndre thinks."

"That may be," Blake replied, leaning back into his elbows as he stared at me. "But I'm not taking any chances. DeAndre would slit my throat if something happened to you." 

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "He loves you too much to do anything like that. Especially after he saved your life once already. He'd never do anything to hurt you–you know that."

He shrugged. "Would you risk his full wrath to find out if that's true?"

I laughed heartily. "Point taken."

Smitten || DeAndre Jordan {Crush Sequel}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora