Chapter Twenty Five

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The tiny crack in between the hotel curtains gave enough light that I could silently observe the beauty of my wife while she slept. Nothing could've prepared me for how I felt at waking and seeing her there. I'd never known real love until I met Cami. The rest of my life seemed somewhat hollow by comparison, and I knew I'd do anything for her.

Memories of her tangled in my arms flitted through my mind, causing my body to react instantly. I couldn't allow myself to be greedy enough to wake her, though, especially knowing how long into the night I'd kept her busy. There had been some time spent sleeping or comfortably dozing, but most of it was spent exploring and re-exploring one another.

The pre-paid phone started vibrating on the nightstand, and I quickly answered it. "Just a minute," I whispered. Carefully, I slipped from the bed, determined not to disturb Cami and let her rest as long as she could. "Sorry," I apologized to Chris after closing the bathroom door. "Cami's still sleeping. I didn't want to wake her. She's worn out."

"Is she okay?" Chris asked, sounding concerned.

I chuckled. "Yeah, she's fine. I, uh, kept her pretty busy last night."

There was a moment of silence. "Um, this information surprises me. Since I'm normally the guy you're telling to butt out and mind his own business."

I grinned. "True, but there's something else you need to know."

"What's that?"

"Cami and I got married last night."

I hear him choke. "You're kidding me!"

"Not even a little." I couldn't stop grinning. It was nice to share the news with someone who'd be happy for us.

"You realize your parents and sister are going to kill you, right? Her parents too, most likely."

"Probably, but before anyone goes all crazy on us, they need to hear the story of how it came about. It certainly wasn't planned, and it definitely saved us from being caught."

"So, regardless of how it happened, I'm assuming neither of you want to put an end to this arrangement?"

"None whatsoever. I'm never letting this girl go. I love her too much."

"Well, in that case, I'm very happy for you, bro. Congratulations!"

"Thank you. What's the news this morning? I'm slightly anxious to get this wife of mine to a safer location."

"I can help you with that. I'm here in Las Vegas now with a couple of other officers who are going to help escort you home safely. We've already booked your flights, and we'll pick you up from your hotel at ten this morning to go to the airport."

"What's happening with the case and Jason? Any news there?"

"Vegas PD is working on their end to plug their leak, and Jarvis and Damian have already been caught. Apparently, Jason didn't inform them of what had taken place. The police apprehended them when they returned to the Venetian last night. The cars had already been dropped or moved. They're no longer in the parking garage. According to the valet service, all the tags were turned in, and the vehicle reclaimed by their owners."

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