Chapter Two

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My eyes gravitated to the middle of the soaring foyer where a giant wrought iron chandelier, layered with antique glass and small crystal prisms, hung. The curve of an equally impressive staircase, which boasted a beautifully sculpted wrought iron banister, accentuated the placement of the fixture. It was easiest the fanciest house I'd ever seen.

"Nice place," I muttered under my breath.

DeAndre squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Don't be intimidated. You'll get used to it."

I didn't have time to reply. A tall man with black hair, slightly graying at the temples, entered the room.

"Hello, DJ," he said in a rich, low voice, and I though I detected a slight accent. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you arrive, or I would've greeted you at the door." He hugged DeAndre affectionately before turning to me. "And you must be Cami. It's such a pleasure to meet you. Hyland speaks about you nonstop."

I mustered a somewhat nervous smile. "It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Jordan?" I didn't know if he was related to DeAndre.

Both he and DeAndre laughed, and I felt my skin flush.

"This isn't my dad, Cami," DeAndre said. "This is José. He's...well, he's like the butler, for lack of a better word."

"I prefer house manager." José said with a nod, extending his hand.

I shook it. "Nice to meet you, José."

"He's trying to take your bag for you," DeAndre whispered in my ear.

"Oh, sorry," I said, feeling my skin burn at the embarrassment as I slid my purse off my shoulder and handed it to him.

"Your parents are on the back patio with Chris and Jada. They opted for a more relaxed environment and decided to do a barbecue for tonight. You know how much your dad loves grilling."

"I do," DeAndre said. "And he's good at it. This will be fun."

He gave me a quick squeeze as if he were trying to reassure me. I relaxed almost immediately. A barbecue? And Chris was here. I knew he was on my side. This shouldn't be too bad.

DeAndre led me down the long hallway, which was equally ornate as the foyer. This family was loaded.

We reached a wall of wood and glass paneled French doors. One set was open to the outside and DeAndre led me through to one of the most lavish patios I'd ever seen, set next to a large, sparkling pool.

A bald headed man in a white t shirt and khaki colored pants stood with his back to us and a spatula in his hand. A large granite counter ran beside the grill, and behind it was what appeared to be a full bar. Chris and a woman sat on barstools sipping what looked like martinis. A beautiful woman stood behind the counter shaking drinks and talking to them. Her black hair, cut in a trendy A-line bob, shook in unison with the motion of her hands.

"Hyland!" She called out, a wide smile gracing her lovely features, her dark eyes flashing in delight. Everyone turned to look. She set the shaker down and hurried over to us, giving DeAndre a hug.

"Hi, Mom," he replied, releasing my hand to return her embrace tightly. She was slightly taller than I was, and her figure was both shapely and curvy.

Smitten || DeAndre Jordan {Crush Sequel}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora