Chapter Twenty Four

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DeAndre tossed the pre-paid phone down on the nightstand next to the king bed in our room. The only light on was a dim lamp, which cast his face in shadows as he ran a hand through his hair.

I was still wearing the wedding dress, but I'd pulled off my wig and veil. Tossing them next to DeAndre's wig and our honeymoon goody basket in the chair, I sat on the edge of the bed. DeAndre sank down beside me and loosened his tie, pulling it off and opening the top button of his collar.

"So, what's the verdict?" I asked, concerned.

"Chris says to lay low where we are. He isn't going to share our location with anybody, just to be safe. The department there is going to try and get in touch with the Vegas PD superiors and let them know the case has been compromised due to a leak in their staff."

"Jason and his gang are going to be long gone."

DeAndre nodded and sighed. "You're most likely correct."

"Maybe we should catch a flight and go home."

"Chris is afraid they'll be watching the airport for us. He said to hang tight. He'll be here to get us in the morning."

I could tell he felt defeated. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? You aren't responsible for any of this. You saved my life tonight."

"How so?"

"If I'd gone with them, I would've been there when they found out who I was. The chance of escaping would have been practically none."

The mere thought of him coming to harm made me feel nauseated. "I'm glad you were with me."

"Me too." He lifted his hand and stroked my chin. "I love you," he said softly. "I'm so sorry about this evening. That definitely wasn't the way I imagined us getting married."

I laughed. "Don't worry about it. People will get a big laugh out of our sham wedding story someday."

Surprise flickered in his eyes. "Cami, you do realize we actually got married? For real."

"Wha-what?" I stammered. "No."

He gave a wry laugh. "Yes, we did. I gave them my real name to protect us from anyone looking for someone with my alias. We signed the license, and there were witnesses. We just got married."

I closed my eyes, my mind frantically replaying everything that had happened this evening. I'd been so absorbed in the guy at the door, that I'd missed my own wedding. "Please tell me we didn't tie the knot dressed in Elvis and Priscilla costumes." I was mortified. I stared up at him, searching for another answer in his eyes, but there wasn't one.

He took my face in his hands. "Listen, you were clearly married under distress. Vegas weddings happen all the time, and so do Vegas annulments and divorces. We can easily end this."

My lips trembled and unshed tears suddenly blurred my vision. "Is that what you want to do?"

He studied my features carefully. "Goody, I was officially going to ask you to marry me after this assignment was done. You know how much I want to be with you. It's all I want."

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