Chapter Twenty Two

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All the lights and sounds almost put me on sensory overload. There was so much to look at and see, I couldn't possibly begin to take it all in.

"What do you think?" Jason asked as he casually draped his arm around my shoulders. DeAndre walked along the other side of me, holding Mary's hand, following Jarvis and Damian who were ahead of us.

"It's incredible. The pictures I've seen don't do it justice. There's just so much."

"I can't believe you've never been to Las Vegas before," Jason said. "DeAndre's been here before, why weren't you with him?"

I flashed a look in DeAndre's direction, not knowing what to answer.

"I came here later on with Chris," he piped up, rescuing me. "Our foster parents were never big on traveling. They didn't have the money for stuff like that."

"Then how did you and Cami get lucky enough to end up with not one, but two, Camaros?"

"It's called hard work. My boss helped me get mine, and Cami won hers along with a scholarship to the U of A in a competitive academics program the school district held. She's one smart cookie, aren't you, Sis?" He winked at me.

Jason looked impressed. "So you were like valedictorian or something?"

I laughed. "Something like that," I answered, amazed at how DeAndre could make things up off the top of his head. He made things sound so natural even I could believe the lies, and I knew the truth.

"Since when do you go for smart girls, Jason?" Jarvis asked with a chuckle.

"Are you saying I only date dumb girls, and that I'm stupid too?" Jason asked incredulously.

"Well, if you aren't smart enough to figure it out yourself..." Mary let her sentence dangle, and I couldn't help but laugh even harder.

Jason gave a disgruntled grunt. "For your information, I don't choose the girls I go with based on how smart they are or aren't. I like them for their good looks."

"Oh, so you're just shallow then?" Mary asked. "That sounds so much better."

We all laughed again, and Jason got a sour look on his face. "I was trying to tell Cami how hot she is, thank you very much."

DeAndre visibly stiffened beside me, and Jason noticed. "What's your problem DeAndre? You don't like me talking about your sister that way?"

"DeAndre doesn't like anyone talking about me, period." I rushed to smooth things over. "He's a little overprotective, in case you haven't noticed," I teased, reaching over to poke DeAndre playfully in the ribs as I tried to diffuse the tension between them.

"Oh, I've noticed," he grumbled. "You need to chill, man. I'm not going to do anything to hurt her."

"Good," DeAndre replied. "Let's keep it like that."

"Contrary to the popular belief, apparently, I'm not actually stupid." He lightly punched Jarvis and Damian in their backs with his free hand. "And for those who think I am, maybe you should remember who's paying your bills. Either that, or I can hire on some new people."

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