Chapter Eighteen

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"You've got to be kidding me," DeAndre said as he stared at the Volkswagen Polo parked in the lot. He looked at Chris. "Seriously? This is what the department sent me?"

"Yep." He tossed DeAndre the keys. "I'm thinking perhaps it's a subtle message that they don't want you driving over a hundred miles an hour."

"Jason is going to laugh me off the premises when he sees this."

Chris shrugged. "It's supposed to be an insurance loaner. It has to look believable."

"I'm really going to miss that Camaro." He looked positively forlorn.

"Why can't you use your Camaro?" I asked. "Jason thinks it's my car. No one would blink twice if I loaned it to you."

DeAndre's face brightened immediately.

"No can do," Chris spoke up. "The department doesn't want to be financially responsible for his vehicle due to the nature of the case and the accident that's already happened. Plus, they don't want Jason to trace the car back to him."

"I tried," I said with a shrug as DeAndre's face fell again.

"Fine. I'll drive the girly car." He walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for me.

I gave him a skeptical glance. "Don't you think I'm the one who should be driving? You're the one with the concussion."

"I feel okay, and I passed all my cognitive tests."

"True, but the doctor still told you to take it easy for a couple days. Let me drive you home. You barely got out of the hospital."

He sighed heavily and handed me the keys. I gestured for him to get into the passenger seat, and he rolled his eyes as he did so.

Chris laughed, clearly enjoying this. "He's such a good patient."

I shut the car door. "I'm afraid our patient has no patience."

He grinned wider. "I think you're right. I'll follow the two of you back to the crack house," he said, using the nickname we'd given to the undercover house they were sharing.

"Okay. Sounds good."

"Thanks for your help with everything, Cami."

"No problem. Anything for my brother." I grinned as I walked around the car and got in.

"You two don't have to baby me," DeAndre grumbled as I started the engine.

"We want to. Besides, it allows me the excuse of staying next to you without having anyone question my reasoning. Jason's been calling and texting me a lot. He misses me."

"I bet he does," DeAndre growled. "I don't look forward to seeing him all over you again. It's been nice to have you to myself for a change."

"Trust me, I don't want to go back to it anymore than you do. I don't like seeing Mary all over you either."

He gave a frustrated grunt. "She drives me insane."

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