Chapter Nineteen

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"We need to do a Vegas run soon," Jason said to everyone gathered in the garage, and my heart rate increased at the news. This was what we'd been waiting for. It meant the end of the case for DeAndre and me. "We have six cars this go around which is more than usual, so I'll need everyone to drive, including Mary and Cami. We'll come home in a rental van."

I glanced at DeAndre. He didn't appear very happy with the news.

"Cami has school," he protested. He's been extremely overprotective of me since he'd fought with Jason. "She's already missed too much this week taking care of me while I was in the hospital."

"It's okay," I piped up quickly. "I've already turned in most of the work I missed. I only have one paper left, and I explained to my instructor what happened. He gave me an extension on the assignment." I smiled and glanced back at Jason. "I didn't even think about needing to rent a vehicle to get home."

"We always come home in a rental, unless we have an extra driver. It's cheaper than flying everyone, but we have time to plan still," Jason stated, staring at me. "You tell me your schedule, and I'll try to work around it. I need to get with my contacts in Vegas and see what works for them." He came over and draped his arm around me. "I want you there. You and I are gonna paint the town."

Mary gave a squeal and cuddled next to DeAndre. "It's gonna be so much fun. Wait and see."

DeAndre managed to muster a half grin and give her a small squeeze. He wasn't very happy at all.

"Party time, man." Jarvis raised his beer and clanked it against Damian's. "Time for some drinking, gambling, and strip clubs."

"Sounds great to me," Damian grinned, turning to Jason. "Have I ever told you how much I love this job? Fast cars, fast cash, and even faster women. It's heaven."

Jason laughed and raised his own beer. "Here's to the fast life!" Everyone but DeAndre and me chipped in their approval.

"I better get going. I need to visit the library in the morning before I go to class. I have to finish that paper as soon as I can." Even though I hated leaving DeAndre, I was anxious to put as much distance as I could between Jason and me. He'd been more aggressive with me ever since the fight. It was almost like he was trying to stake his claim on me, make our relationship more... encompassing. I wondered if he was trying to prove to DeAndre that he really did care about me, but I didn't like it. I hurried to gather my books and slip my bag over my shoulder.

"I'll walk you out, baby," he replied, kissing my cheek.

"Night, Sis," DeAndre said, turning casually away from me, but not before I saw the longing in his eyes.

"Goodnight," I replied, wishing I could run over and hug him.

Jason led me out to where I'd parked and opened the door for me. He pulled me into his arms, running his hands down my back as he stared into my eyes. "I hate that you always have to leave. I wish you could stay here all the time." He bent to kiss me on the lips, and I forced myself to respond to him as best as I could.

I broke away as soon as I could without making him suspicious. "See you later," I said with a small smile, turning to get in. My gaze fell in the back tire. "Oh no," I said with a grimace, pointing. "My tire." It was completely flat.

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