Chapter One: Famous??

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Hi, my name is Briana Williams. I live in Stratford, Ontario in Canada. I am a freshman in high school along with my small but close group of friends. Janie Wence, Paris Scott and Adrian Spotts are my best friends. My close friends in our group are Ryan Butler, Chaz Somers, Christian Beadles and Justin Bieber. We are a tight group of friends and nothing could really tear us apart. Some of us have hidden talents though. Justin and I are the singers of the group. Justin has become a bit of an internet sensation lately. I have been posting a few videos on youtube as well but none of them got as many views as justin's. I heard my phone vibrate on my desk, so i got up to get it. It was from justin. I had a tiny crush on him, but i would never tell him, not wanting to risk our friendship. I opened his text and read it.

Justin: Briana! IVE BEEN DISCOVERED!!! Btw you are the first one to know!

Discovered? What is he talking about? Discovered by what? I was a bit confused so i replied, wanting to know more.

Briana: Discovered by what?

I waited a few minutes for his reply. It doesnt usually take him this long, which probably meant whatever he was sending me was long. My phone buzzed in my hand and i opened justin's message.

Justin: Bri, those videos on youtube! Someone named Scooter Braun wants me to move to the US and be a singer! Im going to be FAMOUS bri!! Im gonna jump from a nobody to a somebody!!

My heart sank at the thought of justin moving. It seems that i had more than a tiny crush on him. Justin's going to be famous? "Justin Bieber" i repeated to myself over and over again. Thats doesnt even sound famous. I replied to him making sure he knew i was happy for him, when i was really sad for myself.

Briana: OH WOW! Thats exciting! But do you have to move, we will miss you too much.

I read the text over and over again making sure it wouldnt sound like only i cared whether he moved or not. Seconds later i got a reply from him.

Justin: Scooter said moving to the US would make it easier. Him and my mom had like a three hour conversation and moving is manditory. And i will come back to visit you guys a lot.

So justin definetly had to move then. I know justin wants to visit us but he wont be able to once he gets really popular. I had to talk to him in person. Well not just him. Everyone in our group. I went into my contacts on my phone and added Adrian, Paris, Janie, Ryan, Chaz, Justin, Christian.

Briana: Meeting at my house. This IS manditory!

I waited a few minutes and got replies from everyone saying they'd be over. I wonder how many people know about justin moving? I decided to ask who all he's told so far.

Briana: justin? Who all knows that your moving?

I waited a few seconds until justin replied.

Justin: Now, just you and ryan. Why? Im on my way over now btw.

Wow, he only told me and ryan! I didnt bother to reply considering patty was driving him to my house now. I heard a knock on my door. I hoped it was Paris, Janie or Adrian, i needed to talk to them. They were the only ones that knew i had a tiny crush on justin. Which was now a huge crush. I walked out of my room and down the stairs to the door. I opened it to see Paris and Janie standing on the porch.

Paris: hey girl! Whats up?

Janie: hey bri!

Briana: guys we have a crisis...

Paris: what is it bri?

Briana: first things first, come on in.

Paris and Janie walked into my house and followed me to my room. They both sat on my bed while i sat in my swivel chair.

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