Chapter Thirteen: Bed Time

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Paris: (whiney) i dont wanna go to bed chazzy!

Chaz: baby its almost midnight.

Adrian, ryan, christian and janie paris were already alseep. They went to bed around 11:00. Leaving me, justin, paris and chaz. We sat in the living room and talked about random things. Ryan, adrian, christian and janie went down the stairs because they "didnt want to sleep in too late tomorrow."

Justin: maybe we should go to bed...

Briana: (whiney) nooo! Why end the party before it even starts?

Chaz: you girls and your ability to stay up late! *yawn* how are you not tired?

Paris: i really dont know.

Chaz: well if you dont want to sleep what do you want to do?

Paris: i dont know, something fun!

Briana: i wanna do something fun!

Justin: well i am going to bed with or with out you its your choice, wanna stay up here and hang with paris or you wanna go down stairs and snuggle with me. Remember if you pick hang with paris i will be asleep when you come down stairs so i cant cuddle.

Briana. (sarcasium) hmmm i dont know!

Justin: pweeeease

Briana: fine im going to bed, now.

Chaz: one down, one to go!

Paris: chaz, im not tired!!

Chaz: par, cant we just go to bed?

Paris: how do you expect me to go to sleep when IM-NOT-TIRED!!!!!!

Chaz: if you close your eyes and lay down i promise you, you WILL fall asleep!

Paris: i wanna go swimming!

Chaz: right now?!?

Paris: yea c'mon lets go!

Chaz: parisssss! Baby i love you but i need to go to sleep.

Paris: your a baby!

Chaz: hon, its midnight!

Paris: whats your point?

Justin: well, uhh, me and bri are gonna go to bed now. (laughing) You have fun chaz!

Chaz: (sarcasium) oh this is waaay past fun!

Briana: justin?

Justin: yea babe?

Briana: can you carry me down the stairs?

Justin: anything for you, (flirty) but there if a fee...

Briana: (sarcasium) how much?

Me and justins faces were really close. Our lips finally met, our kiss was short yet passionate. I pulled apart from justin.

Justin: i love you

Briana: i love you too

Chaz still argued with paris about going to bed, while justin scouped me up in his arms and began walking into the basement. Every step justin took down the stairs made me hear the snore fest get louder and louder. Once we were down the stairs justin genty set me down in the doorway. Adrian, ryan, janie and christian were asleep and snoring, loud. But snoring doesnt really bother me that much, i can usually sleep through loud snoring. It is kind of wierd that me and justin are the only two that share a bed, but i dont really care. I walked farther into the room but then justin stopped me. Justin stood behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and began lightly kissing my neck. I closed my lips tight trying to keep moans from escaping my mouth. His hands moved from my waist to my thighs causing me to tense up.

Justin: (whispering) relax bri...

I took a deep breath and then spun around to face justin. I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me, in a hug.

Justin: (whispering) i love you bri

Briana: (whispering) i love you too justin

I pulled away from justin and made my way over to me and justin's bed. Justin seductively wrapped his arms around me just as i was about to lay down. He pulled me abnormally close to him.

Briana: (whispering) justin, please dont start this...

Justin: (whispering) sorry

Briana: (whispering) thank you for apologizing...

I spun around, in his arms, and lightly pressed my lips to his. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands were on my butt. Our little goodnight kiss turned into a midnight make out session.


Me and justin broke apart to see chaz standing in the doorway with paris sound asleep in his arms.

Briana: (whispering) shhhh chaz! Dont you know people are sleeping down here!

Chaz: (whispering) oh yea look whose talking! Haha

Justin: what up with paris?

Chaz: she ran her mouth for a few minutes after you guys came down here and then just crashed.

Briana: sounds like something paris would do!

Chaz: yea, well she aint light! Goodness is she heavy!

Chaz put paris on her air mattress and covered her up with her blanket. He kissed her on the cheek and then went to his bed. I plopped onto me and justins bed and crawled under the covers. Justin did the same. We both got comfortable and i turned around to face him.

Briana: night

Justin: goodnight shawty, i love you

Briana: i love you too!

I gave him a quick peck on the lips and turned back around. Justin snaked his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I snuggled into his warm body and closed my eyes.

One word for everyone: COMMENT! The reason why i dont update as often as i used to is because i dont feel encouraged and i dont feel like you guys even care if i update! Comment. Give me feed bad, things that could be improved, things that you liked. Ideas! Anything just please comment! Thanks for reading! I love yall!

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