Chapter Twenty Two: Christian...

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Christians mom pulled up beside me, christian jumped out of his moms car and rushed to my side. I was still crying and i probably looked like a wreck.

Christian: BRIANA?! What happened to you?! Why are you beat up?

Briana: (crying) because apperently i was the "future mrs Bieber!" and all of justins non Brieber supporter fans were out to get me! I got beat up by some chicks named carla and tori!

Christian: BRIANA!! Why didnt justin help you? And are you ok?

Briana: (crying) While i was being beat up justin made out with her friend! Then he proposed to me, i turned him down and stormed out of the airport!

Christin sat beside me and put his arm around me, i rested my head on his shoulder.

Christian: i dont know why you keep going back to him. He just gives you a heart ache...

Briana: i fell in love with him christian...and that is exactly the problem!

Christian: im really sorry about justin, briana....its not your fault...

I looked at christian and he started leaning in. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back a little.

Briana: im sorry christian but, i cant be with you either...

Christian: why not?

Briana: its just makes justin mad--*gasps* it just makes justin mad!

Christian: you look like your planning something evil!

Briana: ohhh i am!

Cathy Beadles: christian and briana? Are you ready to go?

Briana: yea...come on christian. Ill explain on the way to my house!

Me and christian hopped in the back seat of the car. Christian had his arm around me.

Briana: ok so what if me and you....pretend like we are dating?

Christian: why do we have to pretend? Wouldnt it be easier to actually be together?

Briana: well incase justin wants me back--

Christian: --why am i trying to make justin jealous?

Briana: because i want to and i cant do it alone.

Christian: so what your saying here is YOU want ME to pretend to date YOU so JUSTIN gets jealous and wants YOU back?

Briana: exactly!

Christian: do i have to?

Briana: well yea! Its not like i can go up to ryan or chaz and say "hey kiss me in front of justin" without paris or adrian flipping on me.

Christian: wait so everytime justins around...i get to kiss you?

Briana: kiss, make out and more...yes

Christian: im in!

Cathy: no body's gonna get hurt are they?

Briana: mentally or physically?

Cathy: both

Briana: no i dont think so...

Cathy: *sigh* be careful what you say and do to justin please

Briana: i will...

I looked up at christian and he crashed his lips to mine. Without any warning at all whatsoever. Before i could react christian pulled apart breathlessly.

Briana: (laughing) christian justins not around right now

Christian: i know....

Briana: then why did you kiss me?

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