Chapter Twelve: I'm Sorry

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Paris: what are you doing?

Briana: oh ya know just wallowing in my sorrows

I was now laying on my bed in my room, paris just walked in the room. Janie was sitting on my bean bag chair. Adrian and ryan decided to go minature golfing while chaz, christian and justin went out somewhere.

Paris: what do you mean wallowing in your sorrows?

Briana: (whispering) ...justin...

Paris: oh no, you dont still have feelings for christian do you?!

Briana: no, i dont think i ever had REALLY strong feelings for him. Even while we were dating.

Janie: are you gonna break up with justin?

Paris: why would you break up with him?! You love him!

Briana: yes i love him but he doesnt get me!

Paris: what are you talking about?! Justin obviously loves you!

Briana: i know he loves me and i love him i just dont think we are meant to be

Janie: briana, even I can feel the sparks when you guys kiss! You guys are meant to be together!

Briana: he thinks im jealous of his success!

Janie: are you?

Briana: NO! I mean yea i wish i could become as sucessful as justin but im not jealous of him! Im happy for him!

Paris: well if your not happy being with him then break up with him, or if your just not happy with the way that he's acting then talk to him

Briana: he wasnt like this before he was famous

Janie: fame can change people

Paris: if you think its right then dump him

Briana: but i love him soo much!

Janie: are you sure you love him? You've only been dating him for 2 days!

Briana: but ive known him a long time and yes i do love him

Paris: i dont know what to tell ya chica

Janie: talk to him...

Briana: im scared, i dont want to lose him

Paris: you shouldnt be scared of your boyfriend, if anything he should be scared of you

Briana: well as you can see, he is in control of this relationship...

Janie: i am like starving!

Paris: what time is it?

Briana: 6:46

Janie: what do you guys wanna eat?

Paris: im game for some junk food!

Briana: lets go raid the cabnets!

Justin's POV


Chaz, christian and i decided to get away from the girls for a while. We went to the park down the street to play some basketball. We know that briana has a basketball court in her back yard but we wanted to get away from the girls. Ryan and adrian went to go play mini golf together. Chaz, christian and i were still walking to the park, christian was dribbling the ball on the sidewalk.

Justin: i can not believe briana is jealous of me!

Chaz: dude she isnt!! You want her to be and if you keep treating her like that your gonna lose her!!

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