Chapter 1

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8 years earlier.
"I will never ever in my life let anyone fucking hurt you. You're so dumb, I'm in love with you." That was all I needed to hear. I needed him to tell me that, he killed my brother but it was self defence right? Jake was trying to kill me, well that's what I thought, turns out Xavier killed any man that come near me. King is the only one who has survived simply because Xavier knows him. The police are on his trail and because he's so rich he can get away with it. Nobody believes in the Mafia that much anymore but believe me when I say, they're still very much around! And in a couple months time Xavier will become the boss and I'm not waiting around for it, he has gotten out of control. We booked our wedding straight after all these incidents, why is it all the pain he causes on me and everyone around me and yet I still want to marry him. I must be blinded by love.

I'm 19, twenty in a couple of months I don't need this in my life. I love him so much it hurts that's why I have to do what I'm doing. I'm pregnant, and I will not let this baby come into a world with him. Next week I've booked an appointment to have an abortion, call me what you want but if you lived with the babies dad you wouldn't want it's safety with them.

Xavier's uncle James quit this for his family I was hoping Xavier would do the same but every time I bought up kids he told me his business come first. I knew I couldn't bring a child into this world when their father wouldn't want it. It was a few days before the appointment and I decided against it, I spoke to Xavier, I haven't told him I'm pregnant but I said I wanted kids and he listened. I'm keeping the baby and my minds been set.

That was all until that night after I missed the appointment, they must've called my phone and he picked up. He was mad, fuming at me. Let me tell you he has never laid a hand on me until now. I should've gone to the appointment my baby would be in a much better place then it's in right now. Xavier's been drinking and we're arguing. We start shouting at each other and I push him. That was it for him. He pushed me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach. Realisation hit him pretty fast. He was crying and I was done. There was blood everywhere and I knew I had lost my baby. That night I left and I haven't looked back since. I moved to England a week later and have gone under a different name. He wouldn't find me now and I won't be returning home.

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