Part 2

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Kai finished his shower and stood in front of the bathroom mirror and saw dark circles under his eyes "ugh.. the makeup faded away .."
he was hearing chanyeol's laugh along with sehun's talk ..
Kai kept looking at the door 'where is Kyung soo ?'
in the living room .. Kyung soo, sehun and chanyeol were watching a funny movie while drinking the hot chocolate.. the all stopped laughing the moment Kai went out of the bathroom and looked at him ..
Kyung soo asked softly "do you want some hot chocolate ?" Kai smiled at him and shook his head "no .. but thanks hyung I am tired so i will just go to sleep .. good night .." and went to his and Kyung soo's shared room and they followed him with their eyes .. when the door was closed .. sehun murmured "he called you hyung.." ..
everyone knows that Kai and kyungsoo were very close and comfortable with each other and they used no formal words between them .. chanyeol talked not aware of the tension in the air "ummm .. can i have his hot chocolate? "
Kyung soo glared at him and chanyeol laughed nervously "ha ha ha .. i .. i was just kidding .. umm i think baekyun is calling me so .. bye! " he went to his and baekyun's shared room quickly before d.o chocked him or something. .
sehun Said while getting up " i have dance practice tomorrow. . i have to go to sleep hyung .. good night .. and thanks for the drink "
d.o smiled at him and answerd "you are welcome sehunie.. good night to you too .."
d.o took the mugs while sehun went to his and chen's shared room ..
after washing the mugs .. d.o went to his room and opened the door slowly to not wake up the dancer .. he stoped in front of the other's bed and whispered "Kai ?" the other didn't answer so d.o went to his bed .. and his heart clenched when he heard some sniffles..

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