Part 8

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"so .. you just glued it back hoping that minseok hyung would not notice what happened to it ?" Chen said while staring at the vase that was ,very obviously, glued ..the shape was very weird because some pieces where higher than others .. and the glue was white .. soo said glaring at a certain giant who was avoiding his eyes "well .. i clearly said .. bring the glue on the LEFT.. but someone brought the one on the RIGHT" chanyeol said in an defensive tone "THEY ARE SIMILAR! " kyungsoo said "really ?! cause i remember clearly that the one on the right side had a big (WHITE GLUE) while the other one had (transparent)! " suho sighed "I still want you two to tell him what happened and apologize. ." baekhyun said "I can't face him! he loved her so much .. he will be hurt!"
suho said after putting his hand on baeks's shoulder "he will be hurt more if you don't apologize to him .. because that means you don't care for his feelings." Chen Said "I think he will be more hurt by seeing how ugly his vase has became.."the others glared at him and he just laughed nervously. .
"hello guys ! i am back " they heard xiumin saying while entering the kitchen but stopped when he saw how everyone stiffened .. but then .. he saw the vase and his eyes widened "is .. is that .. my .." his eyes watered and his face paled .. and everyone was shocked .. because xiumin NEVER shows negative emotions .. unless it was a big deal for him ..
he walked to the table slowly and raised his trembling hands to hold his precious vase .. "" the member backed away slowly -apart from chanyeol and baekhyun who were very pathetically close to crying from how sorrowful their hyung was - and suho said "um .. these two have something to tell you .. and we will leave you alone" so the rest just flew to their bedrooms but Kyung soo stayed behind a wall to make sure those two idiotic hyungs don't make everything worse ..
"so .. umm .. " Baek started nervously "we were running around the dorm .. and .. we .. ended up in your room .. and i was the reason it fell on the floor when i tried to jump off of the bed .."
chanyeol finished "and then .. Baek's hand was injured. . and soo helped him and tried to glue the vase back .. but it was harder than we thought .. and I gave him the wrong glue .. it was supposed to be transparent.. but yeah .. I was so nervous that I didn't read correctly"
soo thought to himself "finally admitted that it was his fault.."
Baek and chanyeol then said together "we are sorry hyung" and Baek added softly "very sorry .."
xiumin looked at the vase and then to them.. and sighed ..
"how is your hand ?" Baek looked surprised "huh ?" "your unjured hand is it better ?"
Baek answered "umm .. yes .. yes it is better .. thank you .. "
xiumin nodded and then said quietly  "well .. it is okay .."
chanyeol said "o..okay ?!"
xiumin nodded and smiled softly "I am sad for what happened .. but i appreciate your honesty and efforts to get it back to how it was .. " Baek's eyes teared and whined while hugging a surprised xiumin "WHY ARE YOU SO NICE HUNG ? WAAAHHHH" xiumin patted a crying Baek Hyun and noticed chanyeol who was fidgeting awkwardly in his place .. "won't you give me a hug chanyeol?" the latter snapped of his thinking and came closer "umm .."
and they ended having a hug ..
soo smiled behind the wall and went to his room ..
"Jong in ?"
Jong in was on his bed playing a game on his phone .. and looked up "oh .. hey soo .. i heard what happened to the vase .. did everything went well ?"
kyungsoo smiled and nodded ..
Kai mirrored his smile and said "good .. oh .. i talked to sehun .. and he promised me not to over-do it with the dancing and practicing .."
Kyung soo sat next to Kai on his bed and nodded "good .. because he was very stressed .."
"yeah .. he is a great kid .."
"what are you talking about ? you are a kid yourself !"
"soo ! i am not a kid !!!"
"really ? okay .."
"don't 'okay' me ! "
"but you said you are not a kid ! and i just said okay ! didn't you want that ?"
"you said it with a smirk .. aish why are you like this !! and please stop smirking !"
soo chuckled and put an arm around kai's shoulders "welcome back .."
kai looked confused to what soo said but the other just shrugged. .
"want some hot chocolate? "
kai's eyes immediately lit "yes !!"
chanyeol burst in the room " I WANT TOO !" baekhyun shouted "me as well !" xiumin appeared behind "can i have some too ?"
Kyungsoo sighed and said "what would you all do without me ?"
Baek said dramatically "definitely not survive .."
soo smiled and said "okay then .. call the others to the sitting room .. i will make for everyone some hot chocolate while you guys put a movie "
the baekyeol bounced happily to the sitting room shouting "I WILL CHOOSE !" "NO WAY YOU DWARF"
xiumin sighed and looked at soo "thanks for the vase .. really appreciate it" soo just smiled and nodded
and they all ended on the sofa watching a movie and drinking the *best hot chocolate made with love* as baekhyun always describe it ...

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