Part 14

17 3 10

"where am i ? OH MY GOD ! HAVE I BEEN KIDNAPPED BY SAESANGS!" minho screeched while holding the cover for his dear life
"or had been saved by your best friend? "

minho looked to his left and saw suho sitting and screamed until suho slapped him by a pillow
minho put his hand on his reddening cheek " i was scared !! where are we ???"
"my hotel room .."

minho saw that suho was angry "why are you glaring at me ? "
"why did drink alone ? YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT !"

"relax .. it is okay .. i can always make anyone bring me to the hotel "
suho looked at him with doubt so he continued proudly "I can make the guys do that by my charm .. and girls by my handsome face .."

suho looked disgusted "never seen any charm till now honestly .."

"just tell me what problem you are in that made you drink ?"

minho said "people don't drink just because they have problems suho.. they drink to be free .. "

suho still looked disgusted "I guess so much freedom hit your stomach hard you vomited 5 times last night .. 2 of them on me .. "

minho blushed "WHAT ! ARE YOU SERIOUS? ??"

suho nodded
suho sighed "it is okay .."

minho still was guilty but found an idea "i will treat you for dinner tonight ! will you be free ?"

"yes but really .. it is okay .. no need"
"no no no .. you WILL let me treat you .."

"okay .. now i have To get ready .. the broadcast will begin within two hours"

minho nodded "okay .. i have to go too ..and i am really sorry "
suho smiled "it is okay .. really"
the day passed by and the two met in a fancy restaurant..

they were eating when minho asked "so .. you finally met yifan"
suho stiffed "y .. yeah .."
minho smiled "that's good .. i hope it went well ?"

suho smiled "yeah .. we will go out tomorrow.."

minho's eyes widened "wow .. really ?that was a fast progress !"

"well ... he didn't change at all .. so it didn't make the atmosphere awkward .. and he"
minho nodded "okay .. i hope it will go well .. will you tell the others ?"
suho stopped eating momentarily and said "I don't know ..."

minho nodded again "it's okay .. you don't have to if you think that's better .. but i guess yixing would be happy if he talked to him"

suho looked at him and said after a while "I'll see .."
"hello suho!"
"we missed you!!"
"suho we didn't sleep until 4 am !!"
"suhoooo "

suho yelled at his phone "QUIET !"
all the members calmed down ..
he was talking to them through Skype on his phone .. and the moment the camera worked they bombarded him with questions and whining

"how have you all been doing ??"
they answered "fine" "good " "horrible" "fine !"
suho frowned "why terrible kyungsoo ?"
"well .. the two idiots broke a lamp and FINISHED THE WHOLE PACKAGE OF CHIPS iN ONE NIGHT !"

suho sighed ''what did we say about doing these things ? baekyeol?"
the two looked like a kicked puppy and suho sighed again "don't do that again .. and tomorrow you have to buy a new lamp .. understood ?"
they nodded slowly
"yixing .. you okay ?"

yixing snapped of his daydreaming and smiled "yes suho .. i am fine .. you ?" suho smiled "I am doing fine too .. how is the recording going ?"
lay told him it was good ..

"Kai ?"  "I am fine hyung "
"sehun ? " "I am fine too .. when will you come ?"
"ten days left .. i missed you all"
"Chen ?"  "I am GREAT .. i won against chanyeol in his video game HAHAHAH"
suho chuckled "good"
xiumin asked "is everything fine suho ? you look stiff"
"huh ? oh .. umm yeah yeah .. just tired .."

xiumin looked doubtful but nodded "okay .. don't stress yourself .. we are all fine and alive .. relax .. okay ?"
Baek cheered "yes .. let soo have all the burden an- ah !"
soo was choking him " you bastard! "
suho smiled .. he missed them
after a while of talking .. he hung up and got himself ready for the day ..


the room's bell rang so he went to check it ..

"hi .. so .. are you read- why are wearing your grandpa outfit?"
suho blushed .. "h .. huh ?"

Kris rolled his eyes "I guess your style is still bad huh ? come on .. i will find something better"

and that's how suho's appearance went from casual to edgy ..

by a black sparkly t-shirt , a leather jacket , black pants , a little bit of sharp eyeliner and his hair was risen up with jel ..
"ta dah ~~"

suho looked in the mirror.. "I thought we were going to a crowded place where we should were masks and make ourselves not obvious ??"
Kris sang while opening the door "don't worry about a thing ~"
suho's heart fluttered at him singing a line of their song call me baby ..
Kris really took care of it .. he prepared a car with black windows ..
they sat in the back seats while kris's driver started driving "so .. where are we going ?"

kris smiled "first .. to have lunch .. i am STARVING .. "

and that's what they did .. went to a restaurant. . had a small talk about what had been going on in their life .. and suho was surprised at how much kris knew about what had been going on with him ..

they had a lot fun that day ..
went to the amusement park .. played a lot of games .. suho screamed in the scary rides while Kris laughed at him ..

went to have ice cream with different flavors until suho had a brain freeze and again .. Kris laughed at him ..
lastly .. they ordered 5 types of pizza and took it with them to kris's apartment...

kris held the handle of the door and hesitated .. "umm suho ? is it okay if you met my friends "
suho was surprised "friends. . yeah okay .."

they entered and heard a cheerful scream "GEGE ! WHERE HAV-"
and two gasps were heard .. and suho's eyes widend "Tao ? luhan ?"

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