Part 7

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in the room of the noisiest two in exo .. a.k.a chan yeol and Baek Hyun..
"YAH ! park chanyeol ! give me back my phone !"  "BWAHAHAHAAHHA ! NO ! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN YOU DWARF ! "
and that's how the competition started .. they ran around in the dorm .. on the sofa -which Kyung soo spent hours cleaning it- in the kitchen (threw at each other flour )
.. and they ended up in the room of xiumin and Chanyeol jumped on top of the bed and again to the floor ..
Baek did the same .. but .. when he tried to jump off of the bed .. the cover got on his foot .. so ..
"AAAAHHHHH!" he fell flat on his face !
and chanyeol fell on the floor ..laughing .. but immediately stopped when he heard a glass shattering sound and looked towards his friend .. and saw that when Baek tried to get up .. with the cover .. he unintentionally hit a vase .. and it broke..
"XIUMIN HYUNG ! ARE OKAY ? WHAT HAPP-" soo came running with a worried expression and saw the two who looked like 2 kids who were found stealing cookies. .
soo's eyes were full of rage and said slowly  "" but his eyes widened and he gasped hurrying to Baek and held his hand "you are bleeding!" Baek laughed nervously "haha. .yeah .. umm .. sorry ?" soo glared at him and said while getting up "come with me to the bathroom .. and YOU ! collect the shattered glass with the gloves in the kitchen.." chanyeol stood up and said awkwardly "we will buy him a new one for him?" baek's eyes brightened "Yes !" but immediately regretted seeing soo's shocked face "do you two realize which vase you broke ?" the two looked at each other and back to kyungsoo shaking their heads "you broke his GRANDMOTHER'S SPECIAL PRESENT ! IT IS FROM JAPAN !it was her last thing that gave him before she passed away !" panic took over the two's face and they became pale, baek pleaded "oh please Kyung soo help us ! xiumin hyung will be so sad !!!" soo was going to say no but the two looked so guilty "fine fine ! let's go to clean your injury first .. and THEN YOU two will clean the mess !" both of them nodded eagerly and chanyeol went to the kitchen while the other two went to the bathroom ..
"ouch !"  "don't move ! it will hurt more !"  Baek whimpered when kyungsoo put on the injury some cream .. soo felt sorry for the other and sighed "sorry .. does it still hurt ?" Baek avoided his eyes and nodded .. soo got worried at the weird gesture and tried looking into the others eyes and his own widened "are you crying !" "NO I AM NOT !" soo sighed again and looked seriously at the other "it is okay to cry .. i know you are a soft person "
Baek looked at him and saw that the other was not making fun of him
so he said softly "thank you .."
soo nodded and said after puting some more cream "let's go check on that giant before he hurt himself .."
Baek chuckled and followed him to the kitchen .. chanyeol was pale and soo became worried  so he went to him saying "are you hurt too?" chanyeol raised his hand ,Baek and soo both gasped "OH MY GOD !" soo held his hand which was covered in blood .. but wait .. when was blood ever this THICK ?!
chanyeol burst laughing "BWAHHAHAHAHAHHA IT IS KETCHUP !"
soo's eye twitched and chan immediately regretted what he had done "um ..  i .. i was just .. i really just wanted to cheer yo- WOW .. CALM DOWN SOO .. PUT THAT KNIFE DOWN ! AAAAAAAHHHHH"
and who knew that chanyeol could run that fast to his room while back Hyun sat in the kitchen laughing and clapping ..

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