Part 9

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lay was sitting with the others in the living room and he was trying to read the fan's mails and the others were correcting his spelling mistakes..
"fighting exo ! .. we love you .. Chen oppa .. we love you .. when will be your comeback .. chanyeol we love you .. omo they are daebak .. oh ottokae ! .. they are amazing group really ! .. what is yixing still doing in the grou- ......"

lay stopped reading and kept staring at the screen .. Chen stood up and went behind him and read loudly "what is yixing still doing in the group he is just a burden for them .. he should leave .. he can't even speak properly..."

chanyeol said "wow .. what a freak "
Baek Hyun looked at him "seriously. . and those dare call themselves fans !! yixing hyung is daebak !why are they like that!" minseok sat next to lay and put his arm around his shoulder "don't mind those yixing .. they are not important.. our real fans love you and think that you are adorable !"
yixing just nodded slowly and tried to smile ..

Chen took the laptop from lay and said cheerfully "now let's find some funny chanyeol and baekhyun videos so we can make fun of them"
Baek and chanyeol both yelled "yah yah why us ?!" Chen said "because i said so" they kept fighting and minseok held Lay's hand and stroked it .. the latter looked at him "it is okay yixing .. we love you "
yixing smiled at him "thanks"
suho took the laptop because the three idiots who were fighting almost broke it

Kai was just staring into the TV and wasn't even focusing on what's going on .. and soo was sitting next to him nudged him by his shoulder "hey .. you okay ?" Kai said "yeah .. just tired"

sehun came to the living room and said sleepily "manager hyung said if you all don't go to sleep right now he will come to claw your eyes out"
the members stopped everything and shivered at the imagination
suho stood up after checking the clock "it is already 12 guys .. we need to sleep .. tomorrow you have a show to attend .. and i have a plane to catch .. come on .. "

baekhyun whined "aww why !?"
soo looked at him "stay up if you want .. but i will NOT wake you up more than once .. and If you are late .. manager hyung will personally come wake you up "
baekhyun turned pale "o .. okay .. i am going to sleep " Chen hugged suho and said "we will miss you our guardian angel !" suho chuckled "I will be gone for just 2 weeks"

soo sighed "don't remind me .. me and minseok hyung will have to take care of 2 pigs and 4 kids" chanyeol laughed loudly "who are the pigs ?!" baekhyun slapped his shoulder "it is us you idiot! soo ! how dare you call your hyungs pigs !!!!" soo glared at him "for the past two days you two finished all the food in the kitchen !! now I have to go to the store to buy things !" baekyeol looked guilty and Baek said happily "we can come with you !!"
"NO WAY ! i will go alone if i have to"
Baek was shocked by the reaction and huffed "fine! go alone and suffer holding the bags alone! "
"I will go with him .."
they turned to Kai and d.o smiled
suho sighed "okay now .. let's go to sleep .."
the next day in the airport ..
suho hugged minseok and told him "don't forget .. check the boiler before any of them showers .. make sure that sehun does not have much bubble tea .. baekyeol always keep them in your vision .. kai to have enough sleep because he is not fine these days .. d.o to actually take care of himself too because he can forget himself .. lay and chen .. well they take good care of themelves and to-" "turn the gas before sleeping and make sure the door is locked .. it is okay suho.. don't exhaust yourself by thinking about us .. no one is unable to take care of themselvs .. try to enjoy the vacation of your (leader-hood) and relax .."
suho sighed "I know you are all grown ups .. i just want to make sure you are all fine .. i will always text you .. okay ?" minseok. smiled and patted the leader's shoulder "okay suho .. don't worry "

next day at the dorm ..
suho went to the airplane with the manager and xiumin .. everyone gave him a hug and said their goodbye ..
kai and soo were putting on their shoes and the latter said to the baekyeol "we will be back in less than two hours.. don't burn the dorm or SO HELP ME GOD NOT TO SET YOU ALL ON FIRE .."
chanyeol started mumbling "beulterone ~"
soo glared at him and turned to Chen

"I put my trust in you chen"
Chen smiled "I will make sure that they are obedient.. don't worry"
Kai patted d.o's back "it is okay .. come on .."
d.o threw one last glance at the three and baekyeol waved smiling innocently..
in front of the store ..
soo glared at the paper which was glued to the door and has  "closed "
Kai tried to grab his arm saying "come on soo. . glaring at it won't make it disappear .. let's go to the next store .. "

soo whined "but it is SO FAR !"
Kai sighed "it is only 15 minutes away soo .. "
soo let him drag him and kept sulking .. and mumbling "this is all because of those two idiots .."
Kai looked at him and smiled softly "and you call me a kid .."
soo looked at him "hmm? did you say something ?"
Kai chuckled "no .. come on .. i know a short cut to the store .."
soo's eyes lit up "really ! thank god !"
in the next store ..

"what kind of chips should we take ?"
Kai shrugged and frowned "didn't you say that you will stop buying it ?" soo answered "well .. yeah .. but with suho's leave .. you know that Baek and chanyeol have to make a good use of it .. so .. a lot of chips for the movie night .. and of course sehun will join .. so yeah .. I think we should buy more cocoa for the hot chocolate as well.. let's see .. oh .. let's take these.. lay hyung loves them .."

In the dorm ...
Chen was was sitting beside lay on his bed and talking while the later's eyes were red and and tried hard not to cry ..

"but why do you care hyung !? i told you .. these are anti-fans .. there opinion can go to hell .." lay chuckled softly .. and Chen smiled while brushing away the tear falling "come on hyung .. don't cry .."
lay hugged him and mumbled "thank you .." Chen patted his back and smiled wider "I am always here for you .. we all are as well .. and we like you the way you are .. now .. why don't you take a nap while I make sure the two idiots don't burn the dorm " ..

Chen went to the living room and saw the two actually fighting over the laptop and yelling which one's turn is to use it .. Chen sighed and went to them "are you kids ?! how old are you !give me the laptop .. neither of you will get it .. YAH !"

later on .. Kai and soo took the bags and went back to the dorm .. and when they opened the door ..
their eyes widened to the yelling and screaming in the sitting room ..
soo ran to the living room and he gasped ..
the troll and the two were yelling and on the floor laid a broken laptop .. and they stopped yelling..
soo whispered in horror "is this the laptop that lay hyung recorded his last song in !!!!!!"
their eyes widend and they turned pale ..

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