part 11

17 3 8

at suho's hotel ..
suho was laying down on his bed and thinking "should i go back ? i really miss them all .. even though i came yesterday.. should i call ? .. but xiumin will kill me .. i texted him 1000 time today already .. ugh .. I can't sleep !"
he got up of his bed and went to the kitchen and made for himself a cup of tea -Which soo had put in his bag because he knows the leader would need it - to relax ..

and sat on the balcony watching the stars above and hoping that the members are alright ..
the next day ..

suho woke up early to go to the first show he has to attend after he had breakfast..

so in the afternoon he had nothing to do for that day so he went to a store ..
"what should i get for them ? hmm.. oh .. i will get these fuzzy sucks for lay .. he loves them .. oh this hat is sooo cute ! it has angry bird logo ! I will get this for the maknae. . he had been working hard .. "

and he went to a lot of stores ..
bought beats headphones for chanyeol because he produced a lot of songs and he needs it

bought a leather jacket for xiumin because it will look cool on him.
bought a new laptop for Chen -xiumin told him about the incident because he promised to tell him whatever happens in the dorm-
bought pants for Baek Hyun
bought a huge book of recipes for kyungsoo and a polo shirt for Kai.
he went back to the hotel and put the bags down huffing "oh .. i am so tired !"

his phone rang and saw that it was unknown but he answered "hello?"
suho's eyes widened "minho !?"
"yes it is MINHOOOOOO ! where are youuuuu ?! you need to see this unicorn ! it flies like a hungry elephant! it even bit my hand!"
suho was dumbfounded "w .. what? minho are you okay ?" he heard the other hiccup "hmmmmm i missed you suho ! when will you Come with your umbrella ?"

suho's eyes widened "MINHO ARE YOU DRUNK!"
he heard him mumble "no i am not .. i am drinking potato juice "
suho sighed .. "please give your phone to someone who is in front of you .."
minho mumbled "well .." hiccup ".. i will give it to this dude who was just telling me stories about you .. here .. my son wants to talk to you" suho wondered who was with him and hoped it was someone he knows so he can trust minho with him .. he heard the other breathing .. but didn't talk "umm.. hello ?"

a husky voice answered "long time no see .. joonmyeon .. how are you ? "
suho's eyes widened and his lip quivered "k .. k .. kris ?"

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