Part 13

15 4 4

in the hotel ..
they put minho in suho's bed and suho made them two cups of tea and sat in the balcony..

Kris asked "why did you apologize in the club ?"

suho said timidly "well .. i am sorry for not seeing it fom your point of view and judging you harshly .. and sorry for not being able to do something for you .."

Kris smiled while watching suho "you really didn't change .. but your hair color did .. i like it .. grey suits you very well"

suho smiled "I like yours too"
suho's phone buzzed .. he took it from his pocket and saw that minseok sent him a message
"ugh .. "
"what's wrong ?"
"it is WAY PAST THEIR SLEEPING HOUR .. yet they are up watching a movie ! and eating CHIPS !"

Kris laughed wholeheartedly "oh my god suho you really didn't change .. let me guess .. those bags beside your bed are presents for them all .. right? "

suho's eyes widened "how .. did you ?"
Kris chuckled "because that's the first thing you do when we travel .. buy something for everyone .. say .. how many days are you going to stay .. ?"
suho said "umm 12 more days "
"and how many still broadcasts and shows you have to attend ?"

"umm one tomorrow morning .. and one after 10 days .."

Kris clapped his hands "great .. in those days that you don't have something be ready .. you will go out with me .. and don't forget to bring a mask .. those places that we will attend are crowded"

"I .. i don't understand.. why do you want me to go out with you ?"
Kris pouted "didn't you miss me your best friend ?"

suho grimaced "please don't do aegyo on me "

Kris laughed and put his arm around suho's shoulder "and .. i will let you know how it feels like to be free of responsibilities .. you have to relax .. I will make you relax .. trust me !"
suho smiled "okay .. i guess? "
Kris cheered .. "okay it is settled then !"

Under His SmileOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora